continue the journey

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When we were continuing our journey, we didn't know that we were being watched by a figure.

???: (Watching us from the bushes) heh according to plan

Then it became clear that the figure was the man in the brown shirt who was about to slash the tigress

Man: now I hope the two of them don't kill each other, at least for now.

Man: I don't know about that guy, but maybe I should be wary of him

Then he walked away, but as he walked his face slowly changed into a stone mask with slightly yellow eyes.


Back to us, we've been walking for some time with the tigress, and now we decided to take a rest because it was getting dark.

Trace is currently checking his map

while I'm trying to light a bonfire by swiping wood, because I don't have matches.

And as for the Tigress, I don't know what she's doing

Trace: Hey Andri, According to this map we are near a town. We should be able to get there tomorrow

Andri: (rubs two pieces of wood) that's great we can finally see a civilization

Trace: well maybe I also can-ack! (Looks away from Tigress)

Because of the marketing with what happened, I also looked at the tigress

Andri: (seeing her undressing) (again rubbing two sticks)

I don't know if looking at the tigress naked is rude, considering she technically has fur all over her body

But I think it's better if I don't find out.

Tigress: Erm...sorry. This shirt is a little uncomfortable on my fur after a while....

Andri: wait, did she just talk?

Trace: Wait you can talk?

Tigress: yes I can, I think you both know

Andri: Well you didn't talk when we met so I thought you couldn't talk

Trace: I think so too

Trace: I said, we can get to this town to pick up supplies...And maybe I can find out who I am

Tigress: No

Trace: e why not?

We also saw the tigress growling while on all fours, clearly starting to get aggressive

Tigrss: I said no! I won’t let you two take me to your town, humans!

Andri: Wow wow wow calm down (starts to back away slowly with Trace)

As we backed away from the Tigress, I quietly put my hand on the butt of the gun, anticipating if something unexpected happened.

Trace: Wow, wait! I didn't mean anything! You don't have to go if you don't want to! Please, Flora-

Wait, did trace just call the tigress by the name Flora?

Tigress (Flora) : how do you know my name?

Trace: Well, I... Wait... how do I know your name?

Andri: I don't know, I think it's in your past memory Trace.

Trace: I guess so. Well What I'm saying is, we're not going to force you to do anything. You don't have to go with us. That's right Andri?

Andri: (nods) yes that's right

Flora: You guys... promise?

Andri and Trace: we promise

Flora:  thank you!

Then Flora pounced and gave her a grateful hug which made Trace blush a little, while I didn't feel too comfortable remembering Flora who was now bare-chested.

Andri: uh We have to sleep soon it's getting late

Trace : You're right (flora lets us go) I'll check what I have in my bag

Meanwhile I was back to light the bonfire and then managed to light it

Trace : uh Guys we have a problem (shows a small blanket) I only have one blanket for us

Andri: I'll be fine, my clothes are warm enough not to make me cold


We also slept by the campfire with flora wearing blankets

While I haven't slept and I'm thinking about what happened

Starting from me waking up in this strange place, meeting Trace, rescuing Flora, to tonight

And I wonder if Trace and Flora have ever met each other, considering that Trace knows Flora's name even from past memories.

But I hope tomorrow will be a good day

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