continue the journey, again.

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Trace and I have bought supplies for the trip with Keith (and thanks to Trace for the money). We bought tents, food and other things.

I even bought a book on the use of early magic from a bookstore

And I also got a few curious looks from the residents, obviously because of my clothes, which of course they had never seen before. But I'll ignore them as long as they don't do anything.

Andri: so you are ready Trace?

Trace: Well, I've got everything on the list. The only thing I haven't bought is something for Flora... After all, what half-cat, half-tiger-something wants? A ball of yarn? But I don't want to insult him

Andri: Well that's clear

Andri: hey Trace, how about we go there (points to the jewelry shop)

Trace: Well maybe we can buy her some jewelry

We also went to the jewelry shop


Shopkeeper: customer! Oh, the Grand Templar himself and his followers. To what do I owe this honor?

Andri: seriously, why do people here always think of me as a Trace follower?

Trace: I need to buy something for... A girl

Shopkeeper: Oh? So you want to buy jewelry for a girl, heh she must be a lucky girl.

Andri: or rather lucky tiger girl

Shopkeeper: I have something. (Takes out a necklace-shaped jewelry) This is Subtleseed Crystal. Sure to seduce any girl you might be interested in

Andri: So these are basically pellets. I hope not

Trace: Wow! It's perfect! How much does it cost?

Shopkeeper: Oh, please. Who do you think I am? To you, Great Templar, at no cost.

Trace: Wow, really? Thank You!

Andri: goodbye (exits the shop with Trace)

Shopkeeper: Ya, goodbye. Hope you have a pleasant trip


and we left the shop. but little did we know the shopkeeper started laughing evilly, with the real shopkeeper tied up under the table.


Then we joined Keith and we started our journey through the forest

Trace: Flora? Flora? I got all the supplies! Flora?

Keith: uh Andri, who is actually Flora that Trace is looking for?

Andri: Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. Flora is-

Flora: (comes out of the bushes) Hey, Trace! Hey, Andri!

When Keith saw Flora, his expression became serious as he readied his sword and ran towards her

Keith: That's keidran! Trace get out of the way, let me handle this!

Andri: Wow Keith stop!

Trace: Keith stop!

Right before Keith slashed Flora. he was suddenly enveloped by a yellow aura and then thrown to the side with Trace moving his arms to the side

Andri: (Surprised) Wowlishit!

Trace: (rubs his head) Oh... my head. what just happened?

Andri: Trace how did you do that?

Trace: I don't know how I did it

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