Not Good Enough

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The door opened as the scout smiled thanking the employee.
Just at the top of the stairs, Buster appeared, "Uh, Suki? Suki Lane?", he went down the stairs, "I'm Buster Moon. Uh, hi. So glad you coud make it. Um, would you like some popcorn?", he took a box of popcorn.
"No, thanks. I'm not staying for the second half, so ..."
"Oh, but we thought you were enjoying it, not that we were watching you or anything."
"It really is a cute little show.", she chuckled, "Just not what we're looking for."
"But wait. You gotta see the second act. I'm telling you, it's a smash. There's also a kiss scene."
Suki started to get annoyed, "Okay, Mr. Moon, can I be honest?"
"Of course."
"Are you sure? 'Cause folks say that when they don't really mean it."
"No, please, please. Be as honest as you like."
"You're not good enough.", she walked to the door.
Buster's smile fell down, "What?"
"Taxi!", she yelled, "You know, maybe I will have that popcorn.", she took the box from his hands and walked to the taxi, "Look, you've got a nice, little local theatre here and it's great for what it is. But trust me, you'd never make it in the big leagues. Bye now.", she climbed in and closed the door. She closed the window as the taxi drove away.
Buster watched dumbfounded as Nana appeared behind him.
"Well, what did she say?", she asked.
He turned to her, "I'll be right back."

In the taxi, Suki was on the phone as she ate the popcorn.
"Nah. Mm-mmm. A few laughs, bunch of quirky ideas. But anyway, about Thursday ..."
She got interrupted by a knock on the window. She looked seeing Buster.
"Oh, my--"
"Yeah, hi. It's me again."
Buster was on his bike holding into the taxi.
"I'll call you back.", Suki said on the phone and hung up as she opened the window, "Are you out of your mind?"
"When are you holding auditions?", Buster asked.
"Um-- Wh-- Tomorrow. But there is no way you'll--"
Buster got interrupted by a horn honking, "Get out of the road, you idiot!", the driver yelled.
"Hey, do you mind? I'm in a meeting here.", Buster yelled as the driver rode away, "Could you at least give us a chance to try out for your boss?"
"Driver, could you please lose this maniac?" Suki asked as she closed the window.
Buster hold on the window, "Wait, wait, wait. Hold on a second. No, no, no."

Suddenly the taxi turned to the right as Buster biked straight ahead as the people moved away. With his bike, he fell into the canal. The crowd gasped as a whale brought Buster back to the surface making the crowd cheer. Buster waved at them but then screamed as the whale blew water shooting Buster in the air.

Soaked, Buster walked back towards the theatre with a sad frown. He walked up the stairs and look at the poster of the show. He walked in and made his way to the washroom. He turned the hand drayer to his face and push the button. The wind blew at his face drying him. He opened the door, his head in a puff ball. Making his way towards the hall door, the audience came out as he walked through them.

Once backstage, he saw how the cast was taking off their makeup or dressed back up to their normal clothes.
"And, big bro, what did scout say?", (Y/N) asked as she and Johnny approached him but saw that he was sad, "Buster?"
He looked at his sister then shook his head, "She said that we're not good enough.", he announced as he ascended the stairs to his office.
Seeing his brother sad made her angry. She wanted to follow him but Johnny stopped her.
"Let him be alone for a moment."
She nodded as she and Johnny went out the theatre.

As the whole audience left, Nana came down the stairs of the lobby looking for Buster.
"Mr. Moon?"

She went backstage looking around every corner and even in the closet. She turned the light in Buster office. Looking around, she was at his desk as music played on the stereo. With her fan, she stopped the music and opened the drawer.

"Oh, for heaven's sake."
Buster sighed sadly, "What can I say, Nana? I'm a failure."
"Oh poppycock."
"I was reaching too high."
"Honestly, one negative comment and it's all, "Woe is me!", Nana fake-wheeped.
"Nana, come on. She said I'm not good enough. I mean, heck, I've just been told that my destiny, all of my hopes and dreams, they all end, right here."
"Well, what did you expect? That she would drop to her knees and declare you a genius? "Roll out the red carpet for the great Buster Moon.""
"She-- She ran me off the road into a canal!"
"You're still in one piece, aren't you?"
"Well, yeah, but--"
"Well, anyone who dares set out to follow their dreams is bound to face a lot worse than a dip in the canal."
Suddenly her butler appeared at the door.
"Ah, Hobbs, I found him. Bring the car round, will you? There's a good chap.", Nana ordered as the butler walked away.
"I-- I just thought she'd at least see we deserved a shot.", Buster said.
"Never mind what this person you don't even know said. Do you think you're good enough?"
"Of course, but--"
"Then you must fight for what you believe in. Guts, stamina, faith. These are the things you need now. And without them? Well, maybe that scout was right. Maybe you're not good enough."
She walked out of his office but looked back at him seeing that he was thinking about her words and walked towards the exit.

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