Miss Crawly in Charge

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Mason was spraying paint on a volcano as Miss Crawly came up with the lift, a speaker in her hand.
"Mason! That volcano should've been finished yesterday!", she yelled.
"W-We're on it, Miss Crawly."
"You better be! Meena, Darius, take it from the top, and this time, put a little juice in it, will you?"
"I'm trying my best, Miss Crawly.", Meena said.
"A little juice?", Darius wondered.
Suddenly Porsha came in the studio with a lot of bags around her arm, "Hey, everybody."
Miss Crawly turned the lift in front of Porsha, "You're two hours late for rehearsal!"
"Wait. Wait, where's the koala? Who are you?"
"I'm in charge! That's who! Now, get your tail to wardrobe, sweetheart."
The lift drove away as Porsha looked dumbfounded.


Ash and Buster walked through the bushes.
"Oh, my gosh. There he is. That's him.", Ash said
They looked through the gates seeing Clay Calloway working on his motorcycle.
"Holy moly, it really is.", Buster added.
"He doesn't look so scary."
"Mr. Calloway!"
"Go away!", Clay shouted.
"No, please. We-we-we just want to talk to you for one minute. That's all."
Clay didn't answer.
"We are not leaving until you talk to us.", Ash yelled.
No answer again.
"Fine. If you're not coming over here, we're coming over to you."
They walked to the bars about to grab them.
"No! Stay off the fence!", Clay warned.
"Don't listen to him."
They grabbed the bars only to be electrocuted and shot away. They laid unconscious in the grass.


Porsha jumped off the platform and flew around gracefully. Still in her alien costume, Rosita watched in sadness. Porsha and Gunter were about to grab hands but they slipped as Gunter hit the meteor requisite.

"Stop, stop, stop!", Miss Crawly yelled in the speaker, "Porsha, you're still messing it up."
Porsha groaned, "It's not my fault. He keeps missing the catch."
"I think she's trying to kill me.", Gunter said in pain.
"Reset. Let's go again.", Miss Crawly ordered then turned to Meena and Darius, "Meena! Darius! We're coming to you next, and I better see some chemistry between you two."
"Okay, let's run these steps one more time.", Darius said.

In an empty rehearsal room, they praticed.
"So, music starts, I step out, do my moves, fancy moves.", Darius said.
"Step together, drop.", both said dropping on their knees.
"Gazing at each other like we're burning up with love...", Darius continued but groaned looking at Meena, "What are you doing with your face?"
Meena was smiling weirdly at him.
"Your face looks broken. What is that?"
"Uh... I was falling in love?", Meena said.
"Yeah, Gina, listen. I'm sorry, that-that's not what falling in love with me looks like. I... I should know. I see it day after day, week after week. Let's run it again. From the top! And five, six, seven, eight. And one..."

Scared, Meena ran outside and leaned on the wall next to the door, closing her eyes and sighing in relief.
"Would like some ice cream, ma'am?"
She opened her eyes seeing an male elephant in front of her with a tray full of ice creams.
"Or should I say, Your Majesty?", he asked.
"I just... You look like a goddess, and, uh... and-and-and lucky for you, it's "free ice cream for all goddesses" day.", he took an ice cream with his trunk holding it out to her.
"Aw.", Meena chuckled as her trunk held the cone.
They looked at each other's eyes, a blush on their cheeks.
The male took his trunk away, "That's cherry cheesecake, and I-I make it all myself. See, my truck's right over there.", he gestured to his trunk where his collegue was, waving at Meena, "Come by anytime... Your Majesty.", he bowed to her.
Meena covered her face with her ears walking to the door but crashed because she didn't open it.
The male winced, "Ooh, that... Are you okay?"
Meena nodded opening the door, her ears and the front of her trunk full of ice cream. She uncovered her face taking a peek at the male and sighed. She fell in love.


Buster groaned opening his eyes.
"You okay?", Ash asked.
"Ash?", he hissed in pain looking at his hands which were covered in bandages, "Where are we?"
"We're in Clay's house."
"Oh, my gosh. Have you talked to him yet?"
"You have?"
"We were just discussing whether he'd consider being in our show."
"What did he say?"
"He said no." Clay said behind him, "Not in a million years."
"Please, Mr. Calloway. Look, you don't... you don't realize how much it would mean to have you in our show. There's is someone who would..."
"Will you stop your yakking?", Clay growled quietly, "Here. Your friend left this on my property.", he dropped Miss Crawly's glass eye on Buster's lap.
He walked towards the door, "And I want you gone it the morning.", the door slamed close.
"And that's why they say, "Never meet your heroes.", Ash said.

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