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The Belgian Grand Prix paddock buzzed with anticipation. The scent of burnt rubber mixed with the harmonious symphony of Formula 1 engines reverberated through the air. The sun bathed the circuit in golden light as fans gathered, and teams made their final preparations. But for Alexandra Heroux, the atmosphere held a bittersweet tinge.

It had been a year since the tragic car accident that had claimed the life of her mother, Camille Heroux. The wounds were still fresh, but time had a way of easing the pain. Alexandra, sitting at the edge of the paddock, watched her brother James intently. He was preparing for the race, his Preema racing suit fitting snugly as he went through the motions.

Beside Alexandra stood Lewis Hamilton, a concerned expression etched on his face. The two leaned against the railing, away from the commotion, engaged in a hushed conversation.

"I'm telling you, Alex," Lewis said, his voice a low murmur, "the last time I spoke to James, he didn't seem like himself. He was distant, quiet... I'm worried about him."

Alexandra sighed, her gaze not wavering from her brother. "Lew, it's been a tough year for all of us. Losing mum... it hit James hard. Grief can affect people in different ways. He's had his ups and downs, but whenever I've talked to him, he's seemed okay."

Lewis shook his head, concern deepening in his eyes. "I get that, Alex. But you know as well as I do that he can put on a façade. He's always been good at that, even before your mum's accident. And he's been through a lot lately, not just her passing."

As Lewis spoke, the memories of James' struggles flickered in Alexandra's mind. The sleepless nights, the moments of emotional distance, and the glimpses of darkness he tried to hide. She had seen it, but she had also seen him fight back, and try to cope with his demons.

"I know," Alexandra admitted, her voice tinged with a mixture of resignation and determination. "But he's been getting better. He's been working on himself, trying to find his way back."

Lewis nodded, his gaze still locked on James as mechanics bustled around him. "I just don't want to see him spiral. You and I both know how challenging this sport can be, especially with the added pressure and the spotlight that comes with it."

A small smile played at the corners of Alexandra's lips. "You care about him a lot, don't you?"

Lewis met her gaze, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips as well. "Yeah, I do. He's like a brother to me, you know?"

Alexandra turned to look at Lewis, her eyes locking onto his. "I appreciate your concern, Lew. Truly, I do. But today is a big race for you, and your rivalry with  Rosberg is in full swing. You need to focus on your own race, too. We'll take care of James; he's our family."

Lewis nodded, though the worry in his eyes remained. "You're right, Alex. I'll keep my focus. But if you ever feel like James needs someone to talk to, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here for all of you."

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