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The cast of "Champion" had descended upon Monaco, adding a touch of Hollywood glamour to the principality

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The cast of "Champion" had descended upon Monaco, adding a touch of Hollywood glamour to the principality. Alexandra had been eagerly anticipating their arrival, and for the first three days, she had spent every moment she could with them. The bond she had formed with her co-stars during the filming of the movie was special, and she wanted to savor their company before they all returned to their respective lives in Los Angeles.

Sitting in Maria's rooftop café, overlooking the bustling city below, the cast enjoyed a leisurely afternoon. The Mediterranean sun bathed them in warmth as they chatted and enjoyed their meals. Blake, ever the curious one, broke the momentary silence.

"Hey, Alex," she began, addressing Alexandra, "where's Charles? I haven't seen him since we got here."

Alexandra took a sip of her coffee, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "Charles is training with his personal trainer," she replied. "He's got a strict routine, you know. But he should be around later."

Tom, the creative mind of the group, perked up with an idea. "You know, since we're shooting scenes here in Monaco, why don't we use Charles for one of them? It's his hometown, after all."

Alexandra's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "That's a fantastic idea, Tom! I'll talk to Charles about it later. I'm sure he'd be up for it."

As they discussed the logistics of incorporating Charles into one of the Monaco scenes, Alexandra couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness deep within. She cherished the time spent with her Hollywood friends, and she knew that next year, her racing schedule would make it challenging to see them as often. But she also knew that true friendships transcended distance and time zones, and they would always be there for her, just as she would be there for them.

The atmosphere at Maria's rooftop café was brimming with excitement as the cast of "Champion" discussed the idea Robert had just proposed. Robert leaned forward, his eyes bright with enthusiasm. "You know, since we're filming scenes for a gala here in Monaco, why don't we reach out to the drivers who live here? We could invite them to be part of the scene and make it more authentic. And who knows, it might even lead to some interesting cameos."

The cast members exchanged intrigued glances, and Alexandra's face lit up. "I love that idea, Robert! It would be amazing to have our friends join us in a scene. Let's do it."

Without hesitation, Alexandra grabbed her phone and started typing out messages. One by one, responses started coming in from their friends who were also Formula 1 drivers living in Monaco. Daniel and Carlos were among the first to reply, offering to fly into Monaco for the occasion. The excitement in the group was palpable.

As the messages of agreement poured in, the cast celebrated with cheers and laughter. The prospect of having their friends as part of the movie was a delightful surprise. The conversation soon shifted to the movie itself. They shared their favorite moments from filming and expressed how proud they were to be a part of a project that felt so meaningful.

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