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The rhythmic hum of the private jet's engines served as a backdrop to the quiet camaraderie between Charles and Max. As the landscape unfolded below them, Spa Francochamps loomed on the horizon, the next battleground for their racing ambitions. Lexi, nestled in a plush seat, slept soundly, undisturbed by the quiet conversation.

Max, moving a chess piece with a thoughtful expression, broke the silence. "So, how's the wedding planning going?" He flashed a playful smile, curiosity lighting up his eyes.

Charles grinned in response, leaning back in his seat. "Honestly, Ally's handled most of it. She's got this amazing ability to organize everything seamlessly. It's annoying in the house, but perfect for something like this." He chuckled, a hint of admiration in his voice.

Max nodded, impressed. "That's Al for you. I always tell her she's a control freak, but she never listens. Can't believe the big day is almost here, mate. Three weeks, right?"

"Three weeks," Charles confirmed, his eyes shining with a mix of excitement and anticipation. "I can't wait."

A playful smirk danced on Max's lips. "You nervous?"

Charles laughed heartily, his shoulders shaking. "A bit, you know? But it's a good kind of nervous. I'm more excited than anything."

Max shifted his focus to the chessboard, contemplating his next move. "How's Kate doing?" he asked, referencing the surrogate who played a pivotal role in the unfolding family story.

The pride in Charles's voice was palpable. "She's doing great. Honestly, she's been amazing. Using her experience as a surrogate to guide us, and give us tips. It's been a blessing having her support. The baby's doing well."

Max, his gaze still on Lexi, leaned in slightly, ensuring their conversation remained confidential. "How's Ally been holding up, mate? She's had another rough patch, hasn't she?" he inquired, concern etched on his face.

Charles hesitated for a moment, glancing at Lexi to confirm her peaceful slumber. With a sigh, he replied, "She's been struggling. The night terrors, panic attacks... it's been tough." There was a heavy weight in his voice, revealing the depth of his worry.

Max nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "James mentioned something about it. Christian and I were worried. She kept falling asleep in meetings."

Charles sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, it's been rough. But we've started seeing Dr. Railey again. I know she feels like she's back at square one, but whatever's bothering her this time is different. She's shut me out."

Max offered a supportive nod. "Good call, mate. She needs the right help to get through this."

Charles continued, his expression softening. "The first scan of the baby helped, though. She's slowly starting to get excited about it."

A hopeful glimmer appeared in Max's eyes. "She'll come around, Charles. Just give it time."

Worry etched lines on Charles's forehead. "I'm afraid she might be doing this for me, you know? Maybe she doesn't want all this, and she's just going along because she thinks it's what I want. Sure, I want a family...but I don't want a family where she's not happy. She's everything to me."

Max leaned back, assessing Charles's concerns. "Mate, Ally loves you. Her demons are just putting up a fight, but she's a strong woman. You'll get through this together."

Max chuckled, lightening the conversation. "So, any progress on the baby names? Got a list yet?"

Charles grinned, enjoying the banter. "Oh, plenty of names. But Lexi and Kate seem to have formed a united front against my suggestions."

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