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Christian Horner, Red Bull's Team Principal, sat alone in his office at the Red Bull headquarters in 2013. The room was dimly lit, the glow of his computer screen illuminating the late-night workspace. His gaze shifted from the documents on his desk to a cherished photo frame.

In the photograph, a beach scene unfolded. Alexandra, a younger version of her spirited self, sat perched on Christian's shoulders. Camille, radiant and joyful, stood beside them, and James, a boy on the cusp of adolescence, completed the familial tableau. The picture captured a moment frozen in time, a snapshot of a family united.

Christian's eyes lingered on the photo, and for a moment, he allowed himself to be transported back to that day, when the sun kissed their faces and laughter echoed against the waves. The warmth of that memory clashed with the current reality — an evening spent alone, working late in the office.

His attention returned to the task at hand, a proposal speech for Camille. Earlier that day, she had called him, her voice heavy with determination. Tonight, she had decided, she would initiate the process of ending her marriage. Christian's fingers hovered over the keyboard as he considered the highs and lows of their shared history.

The proposal speech became a poignant reflection on the journey they had traversed together — the victories, the challenges, and the enduring bond they had forged. As Christian wrote, his eyes would occasionally drift towards a small drawer in his desk, containing mementos and letters that told stories of a love that had weathered storms.

Christian finished reading the proposal speech, a soft smile playing on his lips. Imagining the moment when he would deliver these heartfelt words to Camille filled him with a mixture of anticipation and melancholy. He glanced at the clock, realizing how late it had become.

His mind wandered to the carefully planned proposal he had envisioned. Freesias, Camille's favorite flowers, would surround them, creating an atmosphere of beauty and familiarity. Alexandra, in her own thoughtful way, had shared this detail with him years ago, and Christian was determined to make the proposal a moment to remember.

As Christian basked in the vision of the proposal, his phone caught his attention. A message from James, sent an hour ago:

They're fighting again.

Camille and Jacob were in the midst of another heated argument. The weight of the situation pressed on Christian's shoulders, and he sighed, realizing that the delicate timing of his planned proposal might be overshadowed by the turbulence within the family.

Deciding to take a break from the emotional whirlwind of the office, Christian retrieved his coat and left the room, leaving the desk and the proposal behind. The phone, now silent, rested on the desk, temporarily forgotten.

As he stepped out into the quiet night, the cool air provided a brief respite from the intensity of the office. Christian walked through the dimly lit corridors of Red Bull headquarters, thoughts churning in his mind. The complexity of his feelings for Camille intertwined with concern for Alexandra and James, weighed on him.

He contemplated the challenges ahead, aware that the impending divorce was only the beginning of a new chapter. In the midst of it all, Christian found solace in the knowledge that he had crafted a proposal speech that captured the essence of their shared history and the love he still held for Camille.

The freesias would wait, their fragrant blooms symbolizing a love that transcended the trials of the present moment.

He'd waited almost a decade to love Camille Heroux - he could certainly wait a few more months.

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