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The following day, Alexandra Héroux found herself in the bustling Red Bull Racing garage, surrounded by engineers and mechanics preparing for the qualifying session

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The following day, Alexandra Héroux found herself in the bustling Red Bull Racing garage, surrounded by engineers and mechanics preparing for the qualifying session. She was huddled over a table with her race engineer, Paddy, poring over data from the last practice session, trying to find those precious fractions of a second.

But beneath the veneer of focus, Lexi's attention was secretly divided. The TV in the corner of the garage was broadcasting a segment featuring Ted Kravitz and Martin Brundle discussing her recent transfer to Red Bull Racing. The commentary was far from flattering, and the commentators' remarks were particularly stinging.

Ted Kravitz's voice echoed through the garage as he analyzed, "Alexandra Héroux, a driver with potential but questionable consistency. The pressure at Red Bull can be unforgiving, and one has to wonder if she can handle it."

Martin Brundle chimed in, "Absolutely, Ted. Let's not forget what happened to Albon and Gasly. The last two rookies who tried to make it here. Will Héroux be any different?"

As the commentators dissected her career and questioned her potential, Max Verstappen strolled into the garage, his demeanor casual. He couldn't help but notice the TV and the critical remarks being made about Lexi. He glanced at her briefly, noting the tension in her posture, and then shifted his attention to the broadcast.

"Someone turn that shit off," Max grumbled, his voice laced with irritation. With a quick stride, he reached for the remote control and silenced the disparaging commentary.

Lexi glanced up at Max, her expression a mix of gratitude and frustration. She appreciated the support but was clearly frustrated by the media scrutiny. She sighed and returned her focus to the data in front of her, determination burning in her eyes.

As Lexi attempted to maintain her composure and push aside the intrusive thoughts brought on by the critical commentary, Max noticed her struggle. He couldn't stand to see her like this, especially on her first day with the Red Bull Racing team. With empathy in his eyes, he gently reached for the file she was holding.

"You okay?"

Lexi hesitated, caught off guard by his concern. She was used to putting on a brave front and not showing vulnerability, but Max's genuine care made it difficult to keep up the façade. She shrugged, trying to play it cool, and replied, "I'm fine, Max. Just dealing with some media nonsense, you know."

Max wasn't convinced. He knew her well enough to see through the façade. Instead of pressing further, he decided to take a different approach. He looked around the bustling garage, a place where she was still finding her footing, and took a deep breath.

With a clear and confident voice, Max addressed everyone in the garage, making sure Lexi could hear every word. "Does anyone here think she's not capable of being a Red Bull driver?"

The question hung in the air for a moment before GP, Max's race engineer, spoke up. "No, Max," he stated firmly. "She's a good driver and deserves to be here."

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