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❤️ by LexiHeroux, LorenzoLeclerc, LewisHamilton and 8m others

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❤️ by LexiHeroux, LorenzoLeclerc, LewisHamilton and 8m others

@CharlesLeclerc:  Family 


LewisHamilton: Can't believe I wasn't invited to a family dinner @LexiHeroux

↪️LexiHeroux: Next time Lew Lew. 

↪️ UserTwo: Aww you actually consider each other to be family?

↪️ LexiHeroux: He's my big brother ❤️

↪️UserSeven: LOL, James would disagree.

↪️LexiHeroux: James who?


As the sun began to set, casting a warm and golden hue over Monaco, Charles and Alexandra joined the rest of his family at Pascale's favorite restaurant. Pascale, Charles's mother, greeted them with open arms and a warm smile, engulfing both of them in a heartfelt hug.

"I'm so happy you're both here," Pascale exclaimed, her eyes shining with genuine joy. She motioned for Charles and Alexandra to sit on either side of her at the table, clearly eager to catch up.

The evening was marked by a sense of togetherness and shared connection. The group ordered drinks, and as Alexandra confidently ordered a glass of a 1953 vintage red wine, Pascale's eyes lit up in delight. "Oh, I love you already," Pascale declared playfully. "We share the same taste in wine!"

Alexandra felt a sense of ease and comfort around Pascale, who welcomed her into the family with open arms. 

Turning to Charles with a smile, Pascale asked, "So, Charles, how did you and Alexandra meet? I'd love to hear."

The atmosphere around the table was filled with warmth and curiosity, as Pascale and the rest of the family leaned in, ready to hear Charles's recounting of their journey.

Charles's cheeks turned a soft shade of pink as he began to share the story of how he and Alexandra had met. He looked at her with a fond smile before turning his attention to his mother and the rest of the family.

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