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As Alexandra entered the room designated for visiting hours, her eyes darted around the space filled with convicts, but her gaze quickly locked onto the one person she had hoped never to see again

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As Alexandra entered the room designated for visiting hours, her eyes darted around the space filled with convicts, but her gaze quickly locked onto the one person she had hoped never to see again. Jackson Morgan.

In a room full of hardened criminals, it was Jackson's cold, dead eyes that bore into her, the malevolence in his stare sending a shiver down her spine. Her entire body went into fight-or-flight mode, and every instinct screamed at her to scream, cry, and run far away from him.

But for a moment, she couldn't move. She was frozen in place, ensnared by the predatory gaze that had once tormented her and turned her life into a living nightmare. In her earpiece, James's voice pulled her back from the brink. "Ally, are you okay?"

His words snapped her out of her daze, and she flinched, realizing that she had been standing there, trapped in the gravitational pull of Jackson's menacing presence. She watched helplessly as Jackson smirked at her, a twisted pleasure in his eyes.

Summoning every ounce of her strength, Alexandra took a shaky step forward, her heart pounding in her chest as she walked toward the table where Jackson sat. Her body was a coiled spring of tension, ready to snap at any moment.

She took a seat opposite him, their eyes locked in a chilling, unspoken exchange. Jackson's voice, laced with venom, shattered the silence, sending another shiver down her spine.

"Hello, Alexandra."

In that moment, the past collided with the present, and Alexandra knew that she was facing the darkest chapter of her life head-on. Jackson Morgan was no longer a haunting memory; he was a living nightmare, sitting across from her, and there was no escaping the chilling reunion that fate had thrust upon her.

Across the sea, Charles Leclerc had frozen in his kitchen, a feeling of dread washing over him as he dropped his coffee mug.

"Hello, Jackson."

Alexandra forced herself to compose and steel her nerves as she greeted Jackson. She couldn't afford to show any weakness in front of him. His smile, chillingly polite, was anything but genuine as he commented, "You're just as beautiful as you were the last time I saw you."

Her heart raced as she realized he was taunting her. The last time he saw her was the night of her ordeal, and his words were a sinister reminder of that horrific encounter. But she refused to let him see her fear.

Alexandra replied with a cold thank you, her voice laced with ice, before making an offhand comment about his appearance.

"You do look a bit worse for wear."

Jackson grinned, revealing his predatory intent. "That's what happens when you go to prison."

The tension in the room was palpable, but Jackson seemed intent on continuing their conversation. He informed her that he had been watching her, even congratulating her on her Formula 1 success. The mention of her career, something she had worked so hard for and cherished, being acknowledged by her tormentor sent a chill down her spine.

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