012. ━ the karev family

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season six // episodes nineteen and twenty[ the karev family ]

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season six // episodes nineteen and twenty
[ the karev family ]

❝Alex has a brother? I didn't know

ELLIE SAT AT a nurse's station, filling out charts for Dr. Bailey when Lexie came up to her. "Ellie, I need you to talk to April."

She looked up. "About what?"

"Derek." Ellie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "She's developing a crush on him. I was watching them in surgery."

"Are you sure?" Ellie asked, looking back down at her chart. "She does respect him. It could just be that."

"It's a crush."

Ellie sighed. "No, I will not talk to her, because I am helping Dr. Bailey schedule her surgeries. If you talk to her, do it nicely."

"Please, Ellie?"

"I haven't noticed any of this," Ellie said, handing the nurse her chart. "Only you have. So, if you have a problem with all that, you should be talking to her, not me."

Bailey walked up to the two. "Sloan, with me. We have a consult with Karev's brother."

"Alex has a brother?" Ellie repeated, following the attending. "I didn't know that."

Once they arrived at the room, Bailey started examining him while Ellie and Meredith took down the information in the chart. "How is it your brother is a surgeon and you waited months to take care of this?" the attending asked.

"I don't know." Aaron shrugged in response. "Karev's are tough." Bailey sat him upright as he let out a breath. "I guess five years in foster care will do that to you."

"Foster care?" Bailey repeated.

"You're all foster children?" Meredith asked.

"Well, me and Amber were in and out, but Alex, he had like..." Aaron fluttered his lips, thinking back to their childhood. "Seventeen different foster homes in five years."

"So, Alex was a foster child?" Meredith asked.

Aaron nodded. "Yeah, because my mom was, you know, and it was before they had all the meds that they have today, and she was—I guess she was doing her best. But my dad, he... wasn't a good guy, and he was... you know... whatever. And so Alex, he got shipped around a lot. And... he was a pretty rough kid if you didn't know him, so people didn't like to keep him. Then he ended up in juvie."

Bailey looks at him in shock. "J—J—Juvenile detention?"

Aaron chuckled. "Yeah, cause my mom, she — sometimes she'd forget to... buy food, so... he was good, though. People wouldn't have even known he was stealing anything if it hadn't been for the video cameras."

"How old was he?" Bailey asked.

"Mm." Aaron shrugged. "Eleven, maybe twelve?"

"Hey." The group turned when they heard Alex's voice and Ellie smiled softly at him. "What are we doing with 2807?" Alex noticed the looks on Bailey and Meredith's faces and frowned, looking at his brother. "Dude, are you talking crap in here?"

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