Dance Battle

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I didn't totally forgive them. Just a little smidge but it didn't make up for the fucking rollercoaster of emotions they put me through.

So, if I didn't forgive them, neither did Sara. She had her arms crossed glaring down the two men that came into the dance. She briefly glanced at me before returning it to her ex and dad.

"Oh, hey, look, it's the guy that stranded his kids at school." Sara turned to face dad. "And look who he's with. Did you get anyone pregnant on your way over here, Brad?"

"No, I didn't." Dad said causing Sara to narrow her eyes at her. Dusty tried to speak but with each try Sara shushed them.

"Oh, just, please. Will one of you idiots just ask your daughter to dance?"

"Really?" Dad said hopefully.

"Yeah. Neither one of you deserves her, but yes." Sara looked back at Megan. She had her head down fiddling with her hands. Poor girl had been rambling on and on about the dance. This is definitely gonna be a character building moment for her.

"Go ahead, Dusty."

"No, you take the first one. You've earned it more than me."

"Dusty, please, she's your daughter."

Sara and I exchanged glances. I hope my hearing isn't giving out on me yet.

"What the hell did I miss?" Sara cautiously glances between the two men. I shrugged being equally as confused. Back out there with Xavier, did seem suspicious but I thought it was a dad instinct or something. Not that they have bonded randomly.

"I'll tell you what. I'll vouch for you to the kids and I'll take the first dance." Dusty sighed. He looked determined, then his gaze landed on me where that determination faltered. "I'll— we'll be even."

"Wait, wait. You're not leaving, right?"

Before Dusty could answer, Megan had ran up to them telling that the fourth graders were picking on Dylan again. We followed where she had pointed to see girl fourth grades picking at him. Well, that is a bit of information that had been left out.

"Oh, no, he's calling out the big one." Dusty noted. Dad shared this same concern. We all began to advance towards them when he had struck, making the little girl fall. As she did, Dylan took the chance to kick her right in the... area. It may not hurt as bad for a girl but it is pure bone down there.

"Dylan, what are you doing?"

"Did you see? Did you see?" Dylan exclaimed, pretty proud of himself. "I punched her in the face, just like you taught me."

"Good job, buddy." I amused. Dad pulled me back giving me a stern look. In my opinion, the girl deserved it. Any and all bullies, no matter the age or gender, should be hit. It's all about self-defense.

"And then I kicked her right in the nuts."

He may be a little confused but he got the spirit.

"You like that, bitch? Huh?" Dylan antagonized. Dad and Dusty pulled him back chanting, 'No,' a dozen times. I couldn't help but laugh at the whole situation. I think the little bitch deserves it. Even if she did it because she had a crush on Dylan. Which was obvious that she did it because of that.

An older man came rushing to the scene picking up the girl. "Sweetheart, what happened? What's going on here?"

Uh-oh. That's the dad. And now the little girl is explaining what happened painting a really bad picture of dad and Dusty.

"Who did?" The dad asked.

A man from the crowd stepped up, "He did. I saw it. He said they taught him to hit girls."

"Mind your fucking business." I seethed. Dad backed me up— surprisingly— by saying, 'you tell 'em.'

"No, no. We thought your daughter was a boy." Dusty poorly explained.

"No, what he means is Dylan told us that a fourth grader was picking on him, but he didn't tell us it was a girl."

"Yeah, and if you had, we'd have told you it's never okay to hit a girl." Dusty bent down to tell that directly to Dylan "And that she's probably only bugging you, because she likes you, buddy."

Bull. Shit. The little bitch doesn't know how to show emotions so she resorts to bullying, yeah, teach your kids to be fucking mistreated in a relationship. Real nice guys.

The girl denied it making us all think the same thing; she totally did.

"Are you calling my daughter a whore?" The man instigated.

"They were implying it, jerry."

"Wait. That's quite a stretch." Dad fought.

I stalked back to the man. "So you calling us lying pieces of shit? Are you calling us girls, shit, squidward?" I flipped his tie making it hit his face. "Are you implying that you hate girls?"

"What? No. You're putting—"

"Words in your mouth? Yeah, not nice is it."

The man cowered back into the crowd. The man that had a bully as a daughter stepped up.

"Wait, first of all, which one one of you two is the kid's dad?"

"They both are." Dylan replied.

Dad's hand automatically went to my shoulder. He had let out a sharp gasp. I reached into my pocket— I had found a dress with pockets, I know awesome— and handed dad a small rag to wipe the upcoming tears. I didn't even notice until I got closer that Dusty had smiled when Dylan referred to them both as dad.

"I'm sorry. That's the first time he's ever referred to me as dad." Dad smiled. "It's something I've wanted to hear for a long time, so it's a bit poignant."

He wiped a tear stating he tends to cry a lot. Which he did. Dusty comforted dad still smiling for him. This was a sight to see. A good one. A really good one.

This emotionally beautiful moment was sadly ruined by the bald-headed bastard and squidward tie. Baldy had said something about dad and Dusty defended him. Yeah, so, Dusty had defended dad saying he was the best dad anyone could be. Dad cried again. Dusty then threatened squidward tie and now had to deal with Baldy. Only to be at a disadvantage since Baldy caught him off guard, hitting Dusty square on the jaw.

Dusty pulled his fists up ready for a tussle.

"Daddy?" Megan's innocent voice pulled Dusty's attention. He looked around spotting everyone looking at them. Dusty lowered his fist and started to... bob his head?

Dusty Mayron was dancing. Like full on dancing. Why would he— oh, my god. He's doing a dance battle.

"Yeah! You just got served, Jerry!" Dad said, dancing all up in Jerry's face. "You just got a pipping hot serving."

I couldn't help but laugh at the two men. See, I know dad likes to dance, but Dusty... that's as completely unexpected and, honestly, admirable. The things a father would do for their kids.

"I'm not getting served. You're getting served."

"You don't know this about me, Jerry, but I like to move my body."

And so dad did. Him and Dusty were tearing up the dance floor. And I thought seeing Dusty dance was a shock, you can only imagine how frazzled I was when he did backflips and ended it with a split, untimely, winning the dance battle.

At one point, Dad's shirt had come off, landing on some poor girl's face. I was both amused and disturbed.

This was a definitely a night I would never forget.

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