Christmas Eve

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For it being Christmas Eve, it was not a jolly morning. All the grown-ups, besides Karen, and Mr. Mayron, were mopping. Last night turned out to be more troublesome than relaxing. It turns out it was revealed that pop-pop was divorced. Quite the shocker to wake up to. Literally, dad woke me up by shouting that pop-pop had been lying to us for 6 whole months.

I was upset, of course, not as bad as dad, but it did stung. I mostly felt bad for pop-pop, he's such a sweet person for this to happen to him.

I sympathize with him. Dad did not see it that way.

All morning he'd been clearing the snow as a way to avoid everyone. Especially Dusty because apparently it was all Dusty's fault. He was the one to have known and made it public about the divorce during improv.

Speaking of Dusty, I have not talked to him either. Not because I'm upset— even if he cockblocked Tommy and I, but because I was embarrassed. Can you imagine being almost caught kissing with the guy you like? I just couldn't face the man.

So the house was filled with excitement from the kids and tension from the adults.

"Can you please just go out there and talk to him?" Sara turned away from the window to pop-pop where he poured rum into the eggnog.

Yeah, so, pop-pop drinks now... he even offered me some.

"He won't talk to me, and I don't blame him."

"You got to give him space. But he will talk to you eventually." I comforted. He managed a smile pouring the rest of the rum into his cup.

"You know, it's not ready all your fault." Sara gave a pointed look to Dusty.

   "You can't blame Dusty. He couldn't have know about Ginny and me when he made that improv suggestion."

Dusty kept glancing at pop-pop practically giving himself away. He totally knew about the divorce. I had my own suspicion but I guess I never really wanted to admit it. I mean, it's so hard to believe a relationship as healthy as pop-pop and la-la could have such a tragic ending.

   "You did know." Pop-pop said as realization dawned on him.

   "It was pretty obvious, Don." Dusty shrugged. "A guy your age either joins an improv group because his wife left him, or his wife left him because he joined an improv group."

   "So you did it on purpose?"

   "No! Well..." Dusty paused. "You and Brad are all lovey-dovey and smug about your relationship. I mean, you make out every chance you get. Meanwhile, my dad's ditching out in me. Maybe I got a little jealous, all right?"

Pop-pop frowned taking off with the rum in hand.

   "Look, I didn't think you were gonna freak out and spill your guts to a room full of drunken skiers!" Dusty admitted shouting after pop-pop.

I shook my head scoffing causing him turn to me. I glanced back up at Dusty as I leaned on the counter. "Sorry, I just— I seriously can't believe how far you'll go because of your daddy issues."

   "Says that one that just now decides to speak to me." Dusty said raising his voice. I rolled my eyes moving at the other side of the living room. As I did I heard Dusty shout, "Don't you roll your eyes at me!"

I seriously can't deal with any of this today. I just can't. I mean, how are we even supposed to do that special thing Dusty had planned when we are turning on each other?


I didn't think thing could get any worse... they so did. Dad had the 'brilliant' idea to invite Roger, Adrianna's dad. Now Dusty hated dad and dad reciprocated the feelings. Pop-pop was moody and to make it worse Mr. Mayron was enjoying every minute of this.

The only time I didn't see him snicker or make jokes is his time in the recreation we participated in. I was in the costume standing beside Sara as we all got into 'character.'

   "Hey. Five more minutes and I get to be Joseph." Dad whisper hitting Dusty with his shepherd stick.

   "You're not the right type to play Jesus' dad, Brad." Dusty muttered keeping his gaze straight ahead.

   "He wasn't Jesus's dad, be was Jesus' stepdad. And I'm exactly the right type." Dad fought back hitting him again with the stick.

   "You bet stop hitting me with that shepherd stick, Brad. I'm warning you."

   "Stop it the both of you. Can't you get along until we're done here?" I hissed trying to maintain my words a minimum to not interfere with the act.

   "Brad's right." Roger cut in. "Let him be Joseph."

Dad said a quiet thanks appreciating the support but snapped at pop-pop who did the same.

   "None of you are right. The girl is. Show some decorum." Mr. Mayron whispered joining into this ridiculous argument.

   "I am showing decorum."

   "You guys, zip it! You're gonna wake up, baby Jesus." Sara harshly whispered glancing down at Griffy comfortably sleeping in the basket.

It was calm for about, maybe, a second before dad launched himself for the Joseph's beard. I swear this is going on the list of embarrassing things.

   "Cut it out!" Megan shouted turning to face us with the tip of her nose being a bright red. She then babbled on about the special thing dad and Dusty planned.

Sara walked away from her spot to her daughter. "Megan, what is going..." she paused lowly asking if she got into the eggnog.

   "Hey, who's up for some IHOP?" Megan spurted.

   "Oh, yeah, that kids pickled all right."

   "How does she get drunk before I can?" I asked not meaning it to be heard by dad. To which he did and gave me quite the glare.

From then on things escalated. Sara had dragged the kids away since the men decided it would be a brilliant idea to fight. About what? Not entirely sure.

Everything was being let out. Every secret and every dislike about one another. As for me? Well, I was enjoying the show of idiotic men making a fool out of themselves. Even pop-pop was standing up for himself tonight.

   "And, you!" He said moving to the man. "From the minute you got here, you've been nothing but mean and sarcastic."

   "Well, you know what, Kurt?" Pop-pop sighed. "F you!"

Dad and I sharply gasped.

   "That's right. Forget you!"

   "Attaboy, swami. Throwing down F words. Not the F word, but an F word, and that's a good start." Mr. Mayron mocked. "Now, come on, give me the finger, big boy. Come on."

Pop-pop raised his index finger pointing it at him. This was such bad behavior coming from pop-pop. I can't believe I saw the day of him being this upset.

Thankfully, after his outburst, pop-pop was able to diffuse some of this tension and instead it was about to turn into a snowball fight. And I say almost because pop-pop got hit in the head with the ball that was meant for Roger. And got hit again when dad meant to hit duty. And once more by Roger not even meaning to hit anyone.

This was by far the worst Christmas I've ever experienced.

All my live I've been tolerating every little thing, but this, I don't even have the tolerance for it.

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