More Daddies

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Leaning my lesson, I decided to go to the airport with dad this time. Dusty also tagged along since his dad was also coming for Christmas. I can't say I'm excited to meet the man but I sure am excited to see pop-pop again.

As I waited, I lingered around the small shops for the time being. Dad promised to call when the time was nearing giving me time to distract myself.

There is something about airport stores that make the place feel... expensive. The more I moved along the less the time seemed to count down.

Mindlessly aiming through the small aisle, I had accidentally bumped into something— or rather someone.

"I'm so sorry." I gasped picking the pink stuffed bunny that had fallen from the person's hand.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it."

Looking up to return the item, there stood a very and I mean very attractive guy. His tall, built figure was covered by this elegant long black coat with all black clothing underneath. Stylish glasses that framed his perfect chiseled face. Dark hair that came down to his neck that matched into his coat.

He bashfully took the bunny. "I gotta go. Uh, happy holidays."

I waved still awestruck by the person's presence. I've seen and met handsome and beautiful people but this guy, wow.

As I watched him leave, my phone began vibrating through my pocket. A short message from dad stating they were only minutes away. I skimmed through the crowd of people and jogged my way to where I last left dad.

"Emilia, sweetie, please tell Dusty he is being silly about his father."

"Dad's right. Man up and face him."

The whole ride here was Dusty complaining about his father that would often abandon him. Sounds familiar.

But I'm not one to judge. Trauma like that, well, I guess it passes down. Let's just hope Megan and Dylan hadn't experienced much daddy issues to pass it down to their future kids.

"Exactly my point. Who wouldn't be impressed with you? Come on." Dad praised before he gasped muttering, "Dear God!"

Coming down the escalator was a older man with the same charisma Dusty had when first meeting him. My guess, that man right there is none other than Kurt Mayron.

   "He looks as if he's been chiseled from Gibraltar itself." He whispered towards Dusty not taking his eyes off of Mr. Mayron. "This is gonna come off weird, Dusty, but he's beautiful."

The man sling his bag over his back with an arrogant smirk.

   "I wanna be his friend so bad."

   "And that went so well with Dusty the first time." I added. Dad had this tendency to want to be friends or have everyone like him. He totally gets that from pop-pop.

   "Dusty." The man chuckled to which he got a 'Hey, pop' from his son. It wasn't long before Dusty became defensive and fought his father on about the airport. Meanwhile, Mr. Mayron had a blast edging on his son.

The man chuckled slapping Dusty on the chest for the third time. "Same old Mr. Touchy. I love it."

   "Here you go, Pancho. Why don't you bring the car around. We'll meet you at the curb." The man handed his bag to dad. To be fair, dad did appear to be a driver waiting for him. Mr. Mayron then turned to me with a wide smile.

   "She's yours?" Dusty's father said pouting at me. Dusty opened and closed his mouth neither confirming nor denying it. "Where have you been hiding her? Come here, kid."

Mr. Mayron wrapped me into a tight hug patting my back. I pursed my lips into a smile looking back at dad.

   "Right away, sir." Dad smiled. I elbowed him making him realized what he'd said. "I mean, no, I'm sorry. I'm not the driver."

Dad placed Mr. Mayron's bag on the floor beginning to introduce himself. "No, I'm brad. The stepdad. And this is actually my daughter."

   "This is Sara's husband and kid."

Dusty's father glanced between the three of us. "Why is he with you?"

Before any other words can come out of any of us, dad dramatically gasped turning to the escalator. He bounced on the ball of his feet slapping me on my shoulder while he pointed to the top of the moving stairs.

   "Dad!" My dad whisper-shouted. "That sweater. He wears a red sweater, so I can see him in a crowd."

I turned to Dusty and his dad. "He doesn't usually get this excited. Just the holiday spirit, you know how it is"

The men shared glances before continuing to gaze upon my dad still jumping like a little kid. Dusty raised a brow my way which I shrugged. Now I remember why I avoid going to the airport with him. It's sweet to see that adoring passion between a father and son, until you remember that son is a grown-ass man. Still very sweet, though.

As pop-pop neared I turned the other way confusing Dusty's father. That was until I caught sight of his expression he directed at Dusty.

Yup, my dad and his dad have such a close and pure relationship that they... kiss... mouth to mouth.

   "And this guy's raising your kids half the time?" Mr. Mayron asked with an underlining snappy tone.

   "He hadn't seen his dad in a really long time." Dusty tried to defend. That failed miserably when pop-pop confirming it's only been since thanksgiving that they last saw each other.

   "Four weeks? It's been a few years for us. What should we do? You want me to take my pants off?" The man sarcastically said poking fun at my dad.

While Dusty scoff I moved back to my place with dad now that they've separated.

   "Emmy! It's good to see you, sweetie." Pop-pop embracing me in a tight hug swaying us back and forth. Much to my luck, this kiss treatment was strictly for dad, so tight hugs were something I would gladly take over that.

   "Hey, where's mom?" Dad quipped. I didn't even notice till now la-la wasn't with pop-pop. That's odd. They never really go anywhere without the other.

   "You didn't get her text? Uncle Arny came down with a bald case of the shingles." Dad explained causing dad and I to pity uncle Arny. He's such a great man that usually give me money when visiting. "So mom's staying back to take care of him. But, hey, you still got me."

   "I sure do. I sure do!" Dad and pop-pop chuckled going in for another kiss.

This was my cue to head back with Dusty. They might throw comments at us but at least I don't have to hear the smooching sound those two like to exaggerate.

Pop-pop gasped. "Oh! Dusty!"

   "Hey, Don."

   "Hey, muscles. Come here." Pop-pop had hugged Dusty as tight as he had for me. It always gave me joy to see him suffer in his embrace as I did. "Say, Dusty, Brad told me about this together Christmas we're doing. You two are such wonderful, progressive co-dads."

   "Co-dads?" Mr. Mayron questioned giving Dusty a look.

Pop-pop turned to look behind him while Brad apologized to Mr. Mayron. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Mayron, this is my father, Don Whitaker."

Pop-pop saluted to the man in black. "The pleasure is all mine, Captain! You piloted the space shuttle Atlantis in 1992 and commanded the Endeavor on three missions in 1994!"

Huh, who knew a sarcastic jerk can be something so amazing. The more you know.

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