xxxi. twenty nine never felt so good

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chapter thirty one ━ P

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chapter thirty one P.Y.T. (pretty young thing)
season seven, episode fourteen

❝ my whole life at the
moment consists of
trucks, cabins and spoons. ❞

"It's horrible." Meredith complained as she leaned down to tie her shoe, in the midst of an existential crisis.

Cristina rolled her eyes, setting her hair brush down as she swivelled towards Meredith. "It's the opposite of horrible."

"Make a pro, con list, that always helps." Aliya suggested, running her fingers through her hair, gathering the strands into a ponytail. "Alzheimer's or Diabetes. Sandwich or salad. Strawberry milkshake or chocolate milkshake. Cabin or spoon."

With a disgruntled groan, Meredith's head fell into her hands in defeat. "It's all Derek's fault, he offered to let me help out with the stupid clinical trial."

"Hm." It was Aliya's turn to grunt. It wasn't like she was unhappy Derek let Meredith on their trial. Aliya could share, some of the time.

"Hey," Cristina rolled her eyes for the hundredth time that morning. "If you continue to whine about how you can't decide which ground-breaking medical advancement to put your name on, I will punch you in the ear."

"Well, my name is already on one of them according to the Chief. I mean diabetes—"

"Affects two hundred and forty million people worldwide." Lexie informed, using her photographic memory for good use.

Meredith sighed, indecisively. "And Alzheimer's—"

"The seventh leading cause of death."

Cristina gasped in the realisation. "It's Sophie's choice."

Meredith watched her with widened eyes. "It's Sophie's choice."

"I haven't seen that movie." Lexie replied, freeing her hair from her white coat.

"Great movie." Aliya informed through a huge mouthful of unfortunately luke warm coffee, giving her a useful reminder that she needed to stop at the coffee cart on the way to the conference room where she would inevitably spend a good portion of her day interviewing patients from the Alzheimer's trial.

Cristina nodded to Lexie like a movie critic. "You should see it, it's really funny."

"Grey's," Miranda Bailey new tweed the residents lounge, her attention on Lexie and Meredith. "How long has your father been having abdominal pain?"

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