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hotch added rossi,victoria,spencer,derek,emily,jj,garcia to a group chat.

victoria; seriously a 'work group chat🤓'

hotch: Yes, work and work only please.

rossi: Aaron you know that will never happen right?

derek: yeahhhhhh, no.

emily: sorry sir that will not happen with me vicky reid and derek in here

spencer: What why me?

emily; ...

victoria: 'what why me 🤓'

victoria: you literally know why don't act stupid now mr. "i have a IQ of 187" 🙄🙄

emily: that's why.

spencer; She's the one always picking fights.

victoria: WRONG.

derek: didn't reid start a fight between you guys yesterday?

emily: yeah what was that about?

victoria; he got mad i drank the rest of the coffee then criticized me bc i have fake nails.

derek; the coffee one is fair

emily: but the nails reid? seriously?

spencer: Think about the environment Jones!

victoria: stfu i'm done talking to you🙄

hotch: Seriously guys?

rossi: Victoria calm down please.

victoria; no spencer makes me mad.

hotch: Jones!

victoria: just looking at him makes me irritated.

hotch: JONES!

victoria; ...

emily; HAHA

jj: what did i miss??

derek: jones and reid r fight like normal

jj: oh so nothing?

emily: yup

garcia: i don't like how it's normal for them to fight :(

derek: i think it's hilarious

garcia changed the group chat name to baddies of the BAU😻

hotch: Garcia this is a work group chat.

garcia: sorry sir it seems for fitting😜

BAU group chat 😻Where stories live. Discover now