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baddies of the BAU😻

derek: guys why are vicky and reid kinda getting along🤨

elle: i actually think they are slowly becoming friends

milf eater: yeah friends with benefits

victoria: yk we are in the gc right...

derek: yes but like r y'all friends or what

pest: Slowly but surely

victoria: i've decided i can't have that bad energy in my life🙄

milf: tmr at work she's gonna bully derek

milf eater: very true

20 minutes later

derek: y r vicky and rossi fighting in italian🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️

milf: i feel left out

elle: y did he just say reid's name?

milf eater: she js said fanculo which means fuck

milf eater; i'm a little rusty and i have no clue what else she is saying tbh

garcia: this is so funny and idek what they are saying

victoria: anyways guys🌚🌚🌚

victoria: did everyone find what they wanted

victoria: also i bought some jewels and glitter off of amazon for us

derek: we r not gonna slide pass that what we're u guys talking ab

victoria: nothing for you guys to worry ab

dilf: What are we getting for dinner?

victoria; idk u guys pick

pest: we should go to that indian place that we went to that one time victoria

elle: y'all went to eat tg😼

milf: when was this🙉

victoria: literally a week ago during lunch

victoria: we didn't do anything we ate in silence then left

milf eater: uh huh....

derek: ik y'all did sum else😖

pest: We did not.

victoria: anyways that indian place was rly good so we should go fs

dilf: Okay let's go.

42 minutes later

derek: dawg where did emily and jj go😭😭

elle: they said they were going to the potty but i think they are doing something else

victoria: agreed they are def fucking in the bathroom

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