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baddies of the BAU😻

victoria: okay guys

victoria: yk how the case was hard on me bc i'm emotional

victoria: well my emotions did some good things

dilf: I told her not to do this.

lover boy: I think it was a good idea, and no i'm not saying that cause she's my girlfriend.

italian stallion: She spent the whole night on the phone with her mom deciding what to do.

victoria: okay guys we all have different opinions and the ones the ones that matter are me and spencer's

milf: period

victoria: anyways!

victoria: i have a 13 year old kid now

victoria: we are moving him in today

victoria: i let him pick out all the decor in his room

victoria: and he's stable for now

victoria: he actually feels really safe here

victoria: i'm very happy

elle: omg he's moving in tdy

victoria: i just said that yes

victoria: i found out he likes b99 and scary movies and a lot of shows and stuff i like

victoria: me and him r gonna be bsf fvr

victoria: obvi not replacing elle tho

milf: him and henry need to hang out

dilf: He should hang out with jack too.

victoria: i'm not gonna push him to become friends with anyone right now

victoria; but spence and i do have the week off and we're gonna spend a lot of time settling him in

victoria: what if he ends up not liking us

milf eater: vicky babe don't think about this anymore

victoria: ur right i'm gonna go eat some pickles

i wanted her kid to have a older brother so i did this 🤗

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