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baddies of the BAU😻


victoria: guess what i'm doing rn

victoria: shopping for my kid

victoria: and honestly crying

victoria; do i have to get rid of my volkswagen bug😔

victoria: it literally has a backseat for a reason.

victoria: and it literally is a convertible

victoria: plus i spent a lot of money on it

thong wearer: why are you talking to yourself

victoria: i was hoping someone would answer

thong wearer: you should've stopped after the first three msgs

victoria: no🤗

elle: derek stop

elle: anyways i got ur kids some toys and a lot of stuff..

elle: maybe to much stuff..

thong wearer: yeah that extra room in her apartment is all baby stuff now

elle: i can't help it my bsf is having a baby and i'm gonna be the best auntie/godmother ever

victoria: erm u better be

3 hours later

thong wearer: uhm guys😧

milf eater: what do u want

thong wearer: yk how like a couple months ago vicky was saying that spencer should get his boyband hair back

milf eater: yes..

thong wearer: yk how that was like 3 months ago and she's like three months pregnant...

milf eater: BROTHER EW

victoria: how did you figure this out?

thong wearer: ITS TRUE?

victoria: i'm not confirming or denying it

victoria: but like how did you think this

thong wearer: i was watching you play with his hair while me and elle were at ur house

milf eater: ITS TRUE🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢

milf eater: THEY FUCKED WHEN HE GOT THE CUT🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢

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