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"Damn. You look like absolute hell."

Theodore hears the insult loud and clear. But the searing agony coursing through his ribs and joints, the warm trickle of blood clouding his left eye, and the raw ache in his muscles make him indifferent to the comment. He lies sprawled on the unforgiving pavement, his pristine, pricey attire now a tattered, dirt-ridden mess.

What a waste.

What was he thinking? Why did he ever entertain the idea that getting beaten into a pulp to prove loyalty made any sense?

Summoning every ounce of his remaining strength, Theodore forces his glassy eyes open and gazes upwards. The night sky, though blurry, is a mesmerizing canvas, adorned with countless twinkling stars.

"What a shame for your pretty face, Theodore," a voice taunts.

Theodore can't even muster a wince, his lips stinging from the punishment they have endured.

"F-Fuck off, Jacob," he manages to croak.

"I didn't think you had it in you to swear." Jacob's smirk widens. He crouches down beside Theodore, a faint hint of concern flickering in his eyes. "Let's get you out of here."

With gentle care, Jacob slips Theodore's arm over his shoulder, attempting to help him up. Theodore's head throbs in protest at the sudden movement, threatening his balance.

"Whoa, careful."

Jacob instantly grabs his waist to help him keep his balance. He expels a low grunt.

"Sorry, did I hurt you?" Jacob asks.

Is that a touch of genuine concern creeping into Jacob's voice?

"No, it's okay. Everything already hurts..."

"Alright. Let's take one step at a time," Jacob says reassuringly.

With Jacob's support, Theodore manages to stand and take shaky steps as they head toward the lobby of the condominium building. The concierge peers over her computer screen, squinting at the unfamiliar visitor. However, a single smile from Jacob makes her blush, and she quickly hides her face.

"I don't... I don't live here," Theodore manages to say, his words coming out in a dry, hoarse whisper.

"I know. But I can't carry you all the way to where you live. You're surprisingly not that light for such a skinny body."

Theodore ignores the comment. "Where... Are we going?" he asks, his mouth dry and aching for a cold glass of water.

The elevator begins its ascent.

"You were lying down in front of my building. Where do you think we're going?"

"What? No..."

"Would you rather me take you to the hospital?"

Theodore doesn't answer. His parents don't need to know what has happened to him.

"Didn't think so."

The elevator dings, the doors screech open, and they exit onto the designated floor. It takes them about ten gut-wrenching steps before Jacob fumbles for his key.

"Almost there..."

Jacob flicks on the lights, and the fresh scent of mint wafts over them as they cross the threshold into a spacious studio unit, momentarily easing Theodore's discomfort. At least his nose isn't broken. Theodore quickly surveys the place and can't help but cringe at the mess. There's dirt on the rug, dust on the hardwood floor, and even the TV set seems neglected. The kitchen sink and marble countertops are in dire need of a good cleaning.

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