Chapter 9

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Chapter 9




Snow's POV

Once again, the night ended up with us grinding all up on each other like horny teenagers while kissing like dogs. Thank goodness that Chloe went to spend the night with Scarlett because once we got home, it was on as soon as the doors closed.

We struggled to make our way to Gabriel's room as he quietly lifted me off the floor while I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist, not wanting to break our steamy kiss as we fumbled down the hallways. Suddenly getting impatient with looking for his room, Gabriel quickly pushed open a door to an unknown bedroom near us as he hurried in before slamming the door shut behind. Not really caring if the door was locked, Gabriel hurried over to the bed as he quickly ripped my plaid shirt off as I removed his shirt and scanned over his well sculpted abs.

As the night moved on, the intenser our lovemaking got until we both collapsed on the queen sized canopy bed of both pleasure and exhaustion.


I don't know how long I was asleep but it was still dark out when I had woke up from our night of sex. Which I must add was great!

Slowly shaking that thought from my head, I quietly slipped out of the room with Gabriel's shirt covering my nakedness while slowly following the muffled sounds of voices. The closer I got, the clearer the voices got.

"Hey, Snow. Why are you up so early, doll?" Jordan questioned as I leaned on the doorframe of the kitchen as the slim figure of the familiar male quietly hurried over towards me. His bright green eyes scanned my body while a knowing smirk slowly slipped into his lips. "I heard when you two got home last night, you two couldn't keep your hands off of each other. And it seems that my suspicions were true." He whispered while walking closer to me before squeezing me tight in a hug. "Thank god, you two had sex! I thought that he'd never find another lover. So, you two have been to second base already. What about third?" He questioned while pulling away to look down at me.

"Hold on. What the hell is third base?!? And what time is it?!" I questioned as the brunette looked at me like I was a moron. I felt like one when I was talking to this hilarious retard.

"Third base is girlfriend boyfriend relationship along with a little proposal. So, has he asked you to be his girlfriend yet or..." He stated while looking at me for an answer as I shrugged.

"I don't know. I wanna get there too but I don't know if he wants to. I think I'm falling in love with Gabriel." I whispered while quietly gasping as the brunette rolled his bright green eyes before pushing up his dark framed glasses. "Does it seem like he's in love with me?" I questioned as the brunette gave me a dumbfounded look before gently stroking my messy excuse of a hairdo.

"Baby doll, you know I love you as a friend but I wanna tell you something." He whispered while leaning close to my ear before sighing. "You're blind as fuck and slightly slow. When you get your eyes checked, then we can talk about this little issue." He whispered while pulling back and looking at me sternly. "Now go back to sleep, it's 5:45 in the morning. You ain't supposed to be up until twelve." He chuckled as I quietly nodded.

"And where's Libby at this moment?" I questioned as the brunette stuck two fingers in his mouth before letting out a perfect yet ear piercing whistle. As I glared at him angrily, my beautiful baby came trotting into the kitchen with her tail just a wagging. "What have you done to my dog?" I questioned again while looking at the hyper active pooch who was running around the kitchen in a hurried manner.

"Nothing, she just missed you." He laughed as I rolled my eyes. "Now, take your hyper active pooch and go back to sleep. I'll see you when you wake up later on today." He smiled as I quietly called over Libby who quickly came to me while I looked at the ignorant brunette one last time before turning and walking out of the kitchen.

"Goodnight." I whispered while venturing down the dark hallway with my baby by my side.


Gabriel's POV

Quietly turning over, I noticed the empty space in the bed before sighing to myself while sitting up. It was still dark as hell outside, yet it wasn't as quiet as it'd usually be. Slowly skimming the floor for my pants, I quickly picked them up before pulling my cell out of my pocket. As it flickered on, I noticed the time and groaned in annoyance. It was 5:47 in the morning and I had to get up in three more hours. Sighing, I slipped on my boxers before walking out of the room while swiping a hand through my messy jet black hair as voices started echoing through the hallway. Recognizing the most loudest one, I continued down the hallway until I was standing in the doorway to the kitchen. It seems as if my half naked body caught the attention of the maids as they all stopped and looked at me while the fugly brunette turned and looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"What are you smirking about, nerd?" I questioned while waltzing over to the fridge as he followed quietly.

"You seem happier for a person who just got him some pussy." He chuckled as I swung open the fridge door before grabbing the apple juice while popping off the top and chugging it down. "Soooo...when are you going to move up to the next level?" Jordan questioned as I sighed loudly while walking over to a stool.

"I don't know, Jordan. When I'm with her, it's like all of my problems disappear. She's different from my ex-wife, Carrie. She's a lot better than Carrie!" I exclaimed while slipping onto the stool as one of the butlers came running into the kitchen with the morning paper.

"What the hell are you running for?" Jordan questioned while frowning at the young teenager as he ignored him while handing me the newspaper.

"I think you should see this." The teenager muttered while bowing to Jordan before running back out of the room as I took one glance at the newspaper before laughing loudly.

"She's gonna kill me." I whispered while chugging down some more apple juice.

"Carrie or Snow?" Jordan questioned while leaning in to get a quick glance as I slammed the jug onto the counter.

"Both." I muttered while reading the headline.

"New Assistant? More Like New Wife!"


Hello, my awesome and fantastic readers. I finally bring to you, an update!!

Anywho, I'll try to update more but no promises.

Vote, comment, and enjoy!~

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