Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Two Months, Three Days later~

Snow's POV

I was finally in my third trimester of my pregnancy but it felt like I was still far from my due date which was somewhere in the next month which happened to be the official month of fall, August. Every now and then, our little babe would end up doing something that would cause his mommy to panic and alert Gabriel.

Let's just say, the hospital was probably already use to our presence after the second week of rushing in. But, with it still being the middle of July, Gabriel and his company still had much to do before the Summer ended, so he went back to work not before telling me that if anything were to happen that I'd give him a ring because he wasn't too busy for me. So, before he left, he mentioned something about another person coming over but he was flying out of the front door when he said it. Sighing, I decided that since I was going to have guests sooner or later that I might as well start cooking up some lunch. It didn't take long for the girls to walk into the kitchen as they found them a spot to sit where Chloe could still see mommy from her view.

"What are you cooking mommy?" She questioned as she gave up trying to sit somewhere and made her way over to her stepping stool next to me. "Are you making cookies?" She whispered, the excitement evident in her voice. She loved it when I baked some sweets and she was the first to know. Smiling, I leaned over and pecked the top of her head while adding the chocolate chips to the dough.

"Of course, baby girl. And when they're ready, I'll let you know but for now..." I turned my gaze upon her as I smiled with a hushed tone while her excitement seemed to shine bright in her eyes. "Since, Mommy is carrying your baby brother, would you like to help me? I could really use the help." I smiled as she quickly nodded her head while smiling. "But, you have to wash your hands first. Go with your aunt Mimi. She'll help you out." I smiled as she hurriedly climbed down before running over to my sister who was waiting by the archway. After they had disappeared, I turned my attention to Scar and Gabriel's youngest sister, Anna. "So, how's Harvard doing you?" I questioned as she sighed loudly while pushing her glasses up on her face. She glanced around the room with those familiar ocean blue eyes before looking back at me.

"It's not hard. It's okay. And I am crushing on a guy." She whispered the last part as her face lit up to the color of a tomato. She nervously played with the long dark brown curls that hung neatly around her face. "I mean...He's not all snobby like the rest but he's also filthy rich which nobody actually believes since he keeps to himself and never talks to anybody. But, I am determined to break that barrier...I just don't know how to start off a conversation with him." She answered with a hushed tone.

"Just start off with a simple greeting. Like telling him hello and than if you get a reply out of him, ask him how his day was and if its good, try jumping to a different subject but if it's anything but good, ask his of his well being. And let it expand from there." Scar encouraged while smiling as I nodded as an encouragement while my little baby started kicking again. With every kick, there was a slight pang of pain until it finally stopped before the stockings of my dress was soaked in water. "Snow." Scar quickly rushed over to my side as I held onto the counter beside me. "I'll call Gabriel. Anna! Get her to my car. Jordan!" She shouted as the tall lanky figure popped up in the archway with a surprised look on his face as he glanced over at the mess.

"I'll go get her hospital bags and some maids to clean this up." He nodded while hurrying back out of the kitchen with a determined look upon his face. Scar quickly walked off as she phoned Gabriel while Anna hurried over to me while wrapping her arm around me to keep me steady. As we made our way out of the kitchen, we managed to bump into Mimi and Chloe.

"Mommy, are you okay?" She questioned with worry on her face while Mimi was waiting for my answer too.

"Your aunt will help you finish making the cookies while mommy runs to the store. I'll be okay, darling so don't cry. Okay? I'll be fine soon. Just smile for mommy." I whispered through a strained voice as the pain doubled. "Mommy has to go now okay baby girl. When I return, we'll make as many sweets as you want." I smiled as she nodded quietly while wiping her eyes as I switched my gaze to Mimi. "Marium, please keep my little princess happy." I whispered as she nodded.

"Alright, let's get going. The apple is not going to wait forever." Anna interrupted while quickly leading me pass them as we hurried out the front door only to be met by Scar waiting in her car with it already running. "It will be alright, sis." She whispered as she helped me into the backseat before climbing in behind me.

"I called Gabriel but he's not picking up. Crap, he's in a meeting with Jackson and some other companies and I don't know how long that will take." Scar scowled as she sped out of the driveway and down the street like a race car driver while I continued to do my breathing exercises like the instructor had told me to do. As Scar continued to race down the road, worry began to weed its way up into my mind. My baby is a month early.

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