Chapter 19

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Chapter 19





Snow's POV

The Next Day~

"Are you sure?" Oscar questioned us while staring from Gabriel to me. Gabriel looked down at me for a second while slowly grasping my hand as we stared into each other's eyes.

"I believe that's a 'yes', Oscar." Mimi whispered while nudging him playfully from the couch as Gabriel smiled and nodded in agreement. "Now that that's done, let's get going before traffic turns into chaos." She smiled as Gabriel leaned down and kissed my forehead before we turned and looked at my siblings who were awaiting us. "But, do you think that this will be enough? I know that Anthony's already on the way, but that doesn't solve much. There are three men and two pregnant women, one that's heavily pregnant and is past the day that she's suppose to give birth, so that leaves us short of two people." Mimi sighed while sitting on the couch in my apartment. After yesterday's events with my arrival back in town, Gabriel and I had settled on restarting our relationship and to make things a little much more easier on us and Chloe, Gabriel proposed that I officially moved in with them. And here we were now, standing in the middle of my living room talking with my siblings on the idea at hand, which would be me moving out with Libby and moving in with Gabriel and Chloe.

"I called my brothers and a colleague who agreed to come and help us move. But, Jackson won't be able to make it as he's still seeing to Scarlett and their newborn daughter, Cassia. So, it'll just be us, Jasper, George, and Angela." He nodded as I sighed quietly to myself while sitting down next to Mimi.

It didn't take long until the other four arrived. With the loud buzzing of the guys reuniting after awhile, the pregnant women remained seated on the couch as Gabriel's lawyer slowly approached us like a gazelle approaching a waterhole surrounded by lionesses.

"Hello, Snow." She greeted with a smile as I nodded in response. "Hello to you too." She added while turning her gaze to Mimi with the same smile on her face. "I am happy to finally get to properly meet you women and I must say, I've awaited this day since Gabriel first began to deny his love for you. I promise you, there is no romantic relationship between him and me, so I will not be a threat to you." She smiled while outstretching her hand towards me as I slowly stood up before looking down at her hand and shaking my head. Just as she had slowly withdrew her hand, I pulled her into a hug.

"There's no need to act like a stranger." I stated as she quietly laughed before hugging me back. "Plus, Gabriel filled me in on you and Jasper over there." I whispered while smiling as her cheeks began to turn a bright shade of pink. "I'd love to have you as my friend, Angela." I added as she looked at me with surprise clear on her face.

"I-I'm speechless." She laughed while holding her stomach. "I thought you would see me as a threat like Cassie did. Boy, I see why he chose you." She stated after she had finished laughing. "Welcome to the fam, Snow and you too, Snow's sister." She smiled while looking down at Mimi who continued to smile up at us.

"You can call me Mimi. Now, do you ladies think you can help this pregnant woman up so I can go to the little ladies room?" She questioned while slowly raising her arms as we both nodded and helped her up. As she slowly began to make her way to the bathroom, she quietly gasped as her water instantly broke.

"Mimi?" Anthony quietly called out as the room fell silent. "Are you okay?" He asked as we all watched her carefully before she started doing her breathing exercises.

"I need to get to the hospital." She breathed out while turning and walking towards the door.

"I'll take her." Gabriel's younger brother, George called out as both Oscar and Anthony started protesting against it. With an arm gently around Mimi's shoulder, I attempted to help her towards the door, but she didn't move. Softly patting my shoulder, she gave me a stern look as if telling me a secret before she let out a bloodcurdling scream which silenced the men.

"I don't care who takes me, just get me to the hospital." She gritted out through clenched teeth as they went at it again. "Guys!" She screamed while gripping my shoulder tightly. "I'll decide. Anthony, go get my bag from the hotel. Oscar." She stopped for a second to scream her guts out before resuming. "Stay here and help Snow finish moving, and George, lets go please." She whispered as I handed her over to George. "And Snow, I'm so sorry about your floor and this very late arrival." She sighed with a troubled look on her face.

"No, don't worry about this. Your main priority is to get to that hospital and give birth to your healthy newborn. We can wait until tomorrow to finish all of this. Go and be careful." I assured with a smile as she returned the smile before stepping out the door with George. "We'll be there soon!" I shouted as the door quietly closed.


A Few Hours Later~

Mimi's POV

Staring over at George, I pondered on his reason for sticking around. Especially to see a pregnant woman, who he didn't even know if I must add, give birth to a newborn child. It was even more odd that I had lied to the nurse earlier proclaiming that he was my fiancé so that I didn't have to go through the hassle of being by myself until my family decided to arrive.

"Push, Mariam." The doctor interrupted while using my full name as I turned back and looked down at her. Pushing with all of my might, I hadn't noticed the hand that was firmly grasping mines until I began to squeeze the life out of it. "Almost there! I can see the tip of her head!" She proclaimed excitedly as I continued to use all of my energy to at least get my little Rosa out into the world.

"Are you sure about this?" I questioned through breaths as George gave me a steady nod. This stranger was indeed the strangest yet nicest that I've ever met.

"I am positive about this." He smiled as the doctor yelled for me to push again at which I did while squeezing the rest of the little life that George had left in his hand before the loud yet beautiful cries rung through the air. "You did great." George whispered while smiling as my little Rosa began to cry louder and louder before the doctor smiled over at us.

"It's a girl." She smiled while gently wrapping her up in a blanket before handing her to me as my little angel's cries quietly died down. As I gently ran my thumb against her soft little cheek, she stared up at me with her gray eyes as her light brown hair brushed against her forehead. It'd be a few months until I could tell whose eye color she has, but I was willing to wait.


Just wanted to do a little of Mimi's POV and yes, her actual name is Mariam (it's like saying Mary with an -um) but I'll explain more about her name in one of the upcoming chapters, I promise and I do apologize for the long wait on this update (I was going to release it on Christmas but I lost my train of thought).

This chapter is not edited and may not make sense in some places but it will get edited sooner or later. 

Okay, have an awesome day!

Vote, comment, and enjoy!~


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