Chapter 25

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Chapter 25




Gabriel's POV

A Few Minutes Later~

Hurrying out of the car, I didn't stop to close the door as I raced towards the entrance of the hospital just to get to the woman I love. As I ran through it, I noticed half of my family and Snow's siblings sitting in the waiting area occupying themselves. The only one out of Snow's siblings that were standing was Anthony as he had his hands on a wheelchair with a lady sitting in it who busied herself with knitting something as Anthony scolded her. Quickly taking my eyes off the two, I rushed up to the desk where a nurse sat, looking as bored as ever.

"How may I help you?" She questioned while looking me over with her dark brown eyes as I frowned at her action.

"I'm looking for Snow Grayson. I am her husband." I stated as she quietly nodded before typing away at her computer slowly as I patiently tapped my fingers on the counter. This woman was doing the most for somebody in as much of a rush as me. "Can you just hurry up already, please? I am trying to be by her side when the most wonderful thing happens." I stated as the woman looked up at me for a second before her eyes went back to the computer screen as she slowly scrolled down the screen.

"She's down the hall in the delivery room. If you're her boyfriend, than please come this way so we can get you sanitized and suited up so you won't get the mommy or the baby sick." A male nurse stated while stepping up next to me as I smiled and thanked him before quickly following him to a separate room as I began to get ready to change.

"Sir, we need you in the room down the hallway. There's some difficulties and the doctor needs you by her side." A female nurse stated as she stuck her head into the room while awaiting his answer as he looked back at me before sighing.

"Take him to the lobby while I handle this situation and reassure her family that it might take a little longer than necessary." The male doctor stated as I glanced at him for a second before following the female nurse back to the lobby as she followed me over to Snow's family. As I took a seat beside Oscar, the nurse quietly opened her mouth as I looked at her hopeful that Snow was okay.

"It will be a little longer before you're able to see the patient as the doctor wants to look over a few more things with the mother and the baby, so I'll come and get some of you to visit her once the doctor says that the patient can have visitors. Thank you for your patience and your time. Have a nice afternoon." She stated as a few doctors rushed past her as she quickly followed behind them.

"Something is wrong with Snow and they wouldn't tell me what was going on or the reason for why I couldn't go see her." I stated as the woman in the wheelchair gently moved her small hand over a few strands of hair as she pushed those out of the way before looking over at me. Her eyes were the exact same color as Snow's which could only mean one thing since this woman was here and she was the exact twin of my Snow. "Are you her mother?" I questioned as the woman gave a small nod before sighing as she placed the sewing needles down upon her lap.

"So, you must be the Gabriel that I've been hearing about recently?" She questioned back as I nodded before she smiled. "I was finally able to get out of that hospital and come and get a view of the world and so far, I think that I am loving it. And on top of that, my baby girl is finally giving me a grandbaby but something had to have happened to him as there were quite a few doctors rushing towards that same hallway. I pray that my baby and her child are okay." She added while bowing her head slightly as I gently touched her hand.

"Snow is a tough young woman and I'm sure she'll be just fine as long as we think happy thoughts about her, Miss Grayson." I stated while smiling slightly as she wiped her eyes with her free hand.

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