Chapter 15

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Chapter 15



Snow's POV

Stepping back, I looked up into those beautiful eyes that I've been yearning for before sighing. I had to talk to him. Especially about that voicemail.

"Gabriel." I whispered as we stared at each other for awhile before he pulled me to his chest in an embrace that almost seemed as if I'd disappear any second now.

"I missed you so much. I'm so sorry, Snow." He whispered into the long curls of my luscious brown hair. "I'm so sorry. I'm so stupid, so very stupid. Please forgive me." He whispered, revealing some vulnerability within his voice as he quietly inhaled the fruity scent of my shampoo before nuzzling further into my hair as I sighed again.

"Gabriel. I loved working with you and enjoyed spending time with you and Chloe, Jordan too! But, I have to say this now or I'll never be able to say it again. I quit. Its not you, its me. This will most likely be my last time here as for my mother's health comes first. I did truly enjoy working and spending time with you but my time has come to an end and it is my time to return to my old home. With my family." I whispered back while gently stroking his long jet black hair as he slowly pulled back to look at me.

"Do you have to return so soon?" He questioned like a sad little child as I just nodded quietly before pulling him inside while closing and locking the door. "Can you please stay for one more day and let me treat you out to dinner tonight?" From the little glint in his eyes, I knew he was trying his hardest to not lose himself to his own vulnerability. With a small smile, I gently grasped his hand and led him over to the untouched couch while taking a seat beside him.

"I will take up your offer, just tell me where to meet you tonight." I smiled as he quickly pulled me into another embrace before pulling back as our lips met.

"My house at seven, okay? I have to get back to the court. I'll be seeing you tonight, right?" He questioned while searching my eyes as I smiled and gave a nod before he pecked my lips and ran out the front door.

What had I gotten myself into again?

Sighing, I turned my attention back to the Great Dane chowing down on the food I had previously opened for her. With a puzzled mind and a heavy heart, I pushed myself off the chair and stumbled into my room. Might as well go on ahead and get ready for tonight. I have that feeling that it won't just be dinner.


. . .

Standing in front of the big wooden doors, I quietly raised my hand to knock on it. Just as my knuckles brushed against the wood quietly, I could hear the familiar voice behind it calling out, "Coming!" Quietly stepping back, I brushed down the dark red fabric of my dress while staring down at the black laced high heels that Mimi had bought me for my eighteenth birthday, stating that every woman needs her first pair of heels before she's twenty. After all, it took me awhile to learn how to walk in these. With this night coming on me so quickly, I took a long soak in my garden sized tub with Gabriel on my mind. The thoughts that continuously ran through my mind weren't innocent. All I could think about was how his large colossal hands ran down my body teasingly as his mouth silenced my worries within the few months that I had met him. And now I was here, waiting on his doorstep all dolled up with makeup on my face and this silky fabric hugging my body.

"Snow! Baby doll!" The familiar voice greeted happily as I was quickly pulled into an embrace before I could get a proper look at him. "You look gorgeous! Come in, come in." He smiled while pulling away to give me a good look over before pushing me inside.  "It's been awhile since I've seen your beauty and Mister Gabriel this excited." He laughed as he led me down a set of unfamiliar hallways with a mischievous chuckle. "Just right down this way." He whispered as the further we ventured, the darker the hallways became until I could no longer see him.

"Jordan?" I whispered while feeling out in front of me before something bright ahead caught my attention. As I continued to walk closer towards the brightness, I noticed a large glass double door that was beautifully sketched upon like the glass windows in a church. Quietly grasping the door handles, I pushed the doors open to be met a huge patio. Hanging carefully over my head were vines that held flowers of all kinds that led down a dark cobblestoned pathway before it curved and turned off. Quietly stepping forward, I slowly began to follow the pathway admiring the beauty of it all until I was met by a handsome hunk who stood by a table that looked like it was meant for a garden. "This is so beautiful." I smiled while staring at him as he came over and peck my cheek before leading me to my seat.

"I thought you'd love it." He whispered while smiling at me with hope in his bright ocean blue eyes. He looked quite handsome tonight in a white button down shirt with black slacks on. His once long jet black hair was now cut and styled like before. "This was all for you even though Chloe does like to enjoy herself out here once and awhile." He stated as we both started laughing.

"I will admit this, I missed seeing you, Gabriel." I smiled while placing my hand upon his as he smiled.

"I hope we're not interrupting anything but we'd like to serve you two individuals before you starve to death." Jordan chuckled as we both turned and looked at him and a few other butlers before nodding.

As the night continued on, our laughter filled the quiet air along with the pleasant scents of the food. Once we were completely finished, Gabriel stood up and held out his hands towards me as I firmly grasped it before he led me off into the huge backyard.

"Where are we going?" I questioned as he led me into a large greenhouse as I gasped at the beautiful plant life that surrounded us. I loved to garden but wasn't allowed to when I was in that apartment so seeing this excited me.

"A little birdy told me how much you loved to garden but couldn't, so I took it upon myself and purchased a crew to build a greenhouse for you." He whispered while smiling before I looked at him and lunged into his arms, kissing him until it became more then just a thank you kiss. "Snow." He whispered while pulling back as our heavy breathing now filled the air.

"Gabriel, I want this." I whispered while nodding as he quickly lifted me up before hurrying out of the greenhouse and back towards the house. As he hurried through the huge glass doors, I was temporarily blinded by the darkness as he continued on with his quick strides until we reached a door. He quickly pushed it open before slamming it shut with his foot as he crossed the small room towards the bed. Without any words exchanged between us, he set me down before pressing his lips to mines as I quickly undid the buttons to his shirt while he fumbled with the zipper of my dress until it was in heaps on the floor.

As the night progressed on with us undoing one another's clothes, we eventually got to the part where we both satisfied each others sexual yearn.


Good day! Sorry for the lateness again but now I present to you an unedited chapter!  On another note, you all might not like me for the next chapter. Hmmm...some of you might.

Okay, have an awesome day guys and women!

Vote, comment, and enjoy!~

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