Chapter 13

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Chapter 13




That Night~

Snow's POV

After a long day of sorrowful emptiness and helping my sister cook dinner for all of us, I made sure she took her vitamins and prenatal medicine before retreating to the showers to clean myself up and get ready for a long needed sleep. Sighing, I leaned on the wall of the walk in shower of my bathroom as the warm water began to flush my pale skin while my orangish red hair plastered to my skin. Slowly picking up a strand of my hair, I examined it before glancing over at the strawberry scented shampoo on the rack. It was time that I washed this dye out of my hair and return back to my luscious dark brown hair.

"Butterfly, are you okay in there? You've been in the shower for half an hour." Mimi shouted while knocking on the door as I quietly squirted some shampoo into the palm of my hands while placing the bottle back down on the rack. "Snow." She whispered as I began scrubbing the shampoo through my hair as orange bubbles dripped down my shoulder and into the drain.

"I'm okay, Mimi. Just go back to sleep." I sighed while squeezing my eyes shut while I scrubbed vigorously at my roots, thinking of starting fresh and new.

"I would but my little sister is in the bathroom, supposedly taking a shower when I know that she's not. She could be crying or trying to drown herself." She replied back as I quietly shook my head as a smile slipped onto my lips. "Plus, I have to take a wee. Rosa kicked my bladder a minute ago." She stated as I quietly laughed at my older sister's weirdness.

"Door's unlocked." I shouted as the door quickly swung open before closing quietly as she approached the toilet. "And how am I gonna drown in a walk in shower? That'd be very...unusual, Mimi and I'm not crying. I'm just thinking about something." I stated while rinsing my hair before blindly picking up the bottle that I thought was the shampoo.

"The other bottle, Snow." Mimi instructed as I quietly placed down the bottle I assumed was the shampoo before picking up the one Mimi was talking about. Sighing, I squirted some more into the palm of my hand before scrubbing my hair again. "And I doubt you're thinking about something, more like someone. It's okay, Snow. I know you too well to know that you're in pain. Why don't you call Gabriel back and talk to him? Try to work something out or at least talk." She questioned while flushing the toilet, the water not faltering at that moment.

"I-I don't know what I'd say to him. I'm not even capable of mustering up courage to talk to him. I'm a pussy, Mimi. I'm not as strong as you are. I can't do it." I confirmed while letting the water rinse out the shampoo as orange suds swirled around the drain loudly.

"Well, I know you have one but I doubt you are one. And I was like you, butterfly. Scared, confused, and frightened, but guess what. This little human being inside of me brought me back to reality, she's my world at the moment and she's all that I need to have courage. Snow, what I'm trying to say is, courage doesn't come naturally. You have to build it up and it's not bad to lean on your older sis for support. That's what I'm here for. I'm here to help and love you just like Oscar and Anthony. And, Gabriel's been ringing your phone for awhile now so I believe you two should talk it out and stop letting those stupid paparazzi split you two up." She sighed as I turned off the water before pulling the door open to the shower as Mimi handed me a towel.

"Mimi, you're the best. I'm going back tomorrow to see if I can talk with Gabriel and try to settle this like adults. Thank you, Mimi. I love you." I whispered while wrapping the towel around myself before hugging her.

"And when this is all over, you two will be getting married, right?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow and a smile sliding onto her lips as I could feel the warmness of my cheeks.



Gabriel's POV

Biting my lip, I listened to the same monotonous ring as this was my twelfth time calling her phone.

"Sorry, I'm away from the phone at the moment. Leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you as soon as possible! Bye!" She laughed as the beep soon followed after her laughter. Sighing, I quietly cleared my throat.

"Hey, Snow. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you. I just wanted to tell you the truth about this entire situation from the time I met you up to now. The first day that I laid eyes on you, I couldn't keep myself away from you. It was like something within me ignited and I just couldn't stop myself from these feelings that I was getting towards you. Cheesy, I know but it's true. And after you left, I realized that I made a horrible mistake for acting the way I did towards you. I just hope you'll hear me out and forgive me for my mistakes. Sleep well, Snow. I love you." I whispered as the phone quickly beeped loudly before the operator spoke up.

"To send message, press 1. To hear your message, press 2. To send your message with urgency, press 3." She instructed as I quickly pressed three before sighing and hanging up. Staring down at the unopened bottle of whiskey, I quietly ran my hand through my now shoulder length jet black hair. Because of my current issue, my parents are keeping Chloe until I'm better and off of alcohol but I doubt that'll ever happen. And the paparazzi are doing their best to get pass the gates, just to get into the house to see what's going on. Slowly moving my gaze back down to the small gray folder, I quietly opened it before shuffling the papers around as I looked at all of the things I've collected for court tomorrow. I had Chloe's confession, pictures of the bruises and cuts she managed to hide, and my lawyer's statement. I had everything ready. All I needed was to finish this and get full custody of Chloe then I could finally try to rekindle something with Snow, hopefully. Quietly popping off the top of the liquor bottle, I quickly turned it up as it slowly began to burn my throat.


Sorry for the wait on the update! Anywho, what do you all think so far?

Any concerns or suggestions or etc, comment please. I'd love to hear your opinions and concerns unless they're rude. If they are rude, keep them to yourself please.

This chapter is not edited. Next update will be tomorrow or Wednesday!

Vote, comment, and enjoy!~


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