Chapter 10

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Chapter 10





Snow's POV

Going to work while being surrounded by paparazzi isn't the best thing, especially if they're yelling out stuff that isn't true. Like that one paparazzi that yelled out that I was pregnant with another man's baby. Or the one that yelled that I was a gold digging hoe. I thought they were so fucking nice. Sighing, I slumped over in the dark leather love seat while burning the newspaper article with my well lit cigarette lighter.

"Are you still upset about that stupid article?" Gabriel asked from his desk as I quietly stumped on the ashes before laying down with my back to him. "I'm taking that as a yes. Awww, don't worry about them, sexy. All they want to do is bring you down, but they can't while I'm here. Now, what about office sex?" He questioned as I quickly sat up before turning to look at him with a frown on my face.

"Gabriel. You're not taking this seriously. Come sit by me so we can talk about this together." I sighed as he quietly pushed back his chair before waltzing over to the love seat as he plopped down beside me quickly. "Listen, if we want this to work, we have to tel-" Before I could finish, Gabriel quieted me down with a kiss as I quickly pulled away before punching his arm. "This is what I'm talking about, you jackass! I'm done. I hope you can deal with the silent treatment cause, that's all you're getting out of me." I growled while pushing myself off of the loveseat before grabbing the pile of papers and storming out of the room.


I can't deal with this bastard. One moment, he's acting like he loves me and the next, he's trying to fuck me. Sighing, I pushed those thoughts away while sitting on the toilet, staring at my phone. I had a miss call from my brother and I was getting a bad feeling that if I called him back, he would tell me something that I didn't want to hear. Slowly fiddling with the dark blue phone case, I popped it off while pushing it back on as I stared at the missed call before the loud beeping of my phone made me jump. Quickly gliding my finger over the screen, I quickly checked the new message that was left by my brother.

Stop ignoring my calls, pipsqueak. Call me as soon as you read this. It's important.

I quietly skimmed over his text as I clicked on the picture of him with his girlfriend as his number popped up. Slowly pressing the number, I pulled the phone to my ear while awaiting for him to answer.

"Finally." He mumbled into the phone after the third ring as I quietly tapped my heel against the dirty tiled floor. "How long were you going to ignore my calls and messages, pipsqueak?" He questioned, sounding aggravated.

"I was working, sorry." I apologized as he sighed quietly before shuffling around on the other side of the phone. "What's wrong? Is everything okay?" I questioned when he didn't reply.

"No. The doctors say that mom's condition is getting worse and they might have to perform another surgery on her soon." He sighed once the shuffling stopped. "Damn it." He quietly cursed as I couldn't help but worry about my mother.

"I'm coming back home, give me a few days. But for now, keep me up to date on mom's condition, okay?" I questioned worriedly as he let out another sigh before shuffling around. "What the hell are you doing?" I added as he grunted.

"Trying to get comfortable on this fucking stupid ass chair. I called Mimi and Oscar already so they're coming too. Now, hurry up and get here before they take mom into surgery." He stated sternly as I quietly nodded to myself.

"Okay, but when are they taking her in? So that I'll know to be there before hand."

"The evening after tomorrow. Mom wanted me to call you, Mimi, and Oscar so that she can see all of us before they take her in. So hurry your butt up and don't be late." He grunted as I quietly chuckled to myself. Even though he was the second oldest, he acted more like a parent than Oscar did.

"Okay okay. I'll pack tonight and leave early in the morning. Talk with you then." I whispered while hanging up the phone as he sighed on the other end.

"And tell Scar that I want to see my niece and nephew the next time I'm in town." He laughed as I smiled and nodded to myself.

"I will. Bye, Anthony." I whispered while hanging up the phone and wiping away a few fallen tears that I hadn't realized were there. Quietly standing up, I shoved my phone back into my skirt pocket while walking out of the stall and towards the sink. As I stared at my reflection, I noticed my flushed cheeks and watery eyes. "Mom will be okay, Snow." I whispered to myself while turning on the cold water before splashing water onto my face. I needed to calm myself down. I needed to stop worrying, but I couldn't. I needed to go home.

Sighing, I quickly grabbed a few paper towels before drying my face as I leaned onto the sink for a second. Sighing to myself again, I threw the paper towels in the trash bin before walking back out the door and towards Gabriel's office.

I was going to leave tonight.


Hello, readers! I'm sorry for the lack of updates for this book, I've been having a writers block with this story and a few more even though I have all of the upcoming events written out for this book.

I just didn't really know how to finish up this scene. But, I'm making progress and will try my best to update this more. So, more updates will come in the near future.

Sorry for the wait!

Vote, comment, and enjoy!~


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