Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


Mimi's POV

After our little outing together, we dropped off Angela who was glad to leave her house before driving back home. As we road in comfortable silence, I thought about George. What was it about him that drew me towards him? Why was he willing to try and be my friend?

I didn't need any friends when I had my family and Rosa. I didn't want another man in my life after Drew. Once Drew broke my heart like the inconsiderate man he is, I left him in the past until I noticed the slight color change of Rosa's beautiful irises. They were of course her father's beautiful hazel eyes, something that would forever stare at me with sincere thoughts behind them. Rosa was absolutely a stunning little thing, and even though she was a few months old, she was progressing quickly. She reacts to the sound of my voice more, like whenever she's hard down crying in Anthony's arms, they'll slowly die down when I tell her that mommy is here. She doesn't like me to be far from her, so I basically take her everywhere with me until she passes out from the tiredness.

"We're here, Mimi." Scar stated from the front seat as I noticed that she and Snow were already standing outside the car waiting for me to get out and join them to which I quickly did before Scar locked up the car. "I have to say, tonight was fun, but I missed my little babies." She added with a smile as I nodded in agreement even though Scar had four children and I only had one, a mother's love and withdrawal was greater than anything else in the world. Sighing, we quietly slipped into the house only to met by a lovely sight. Jasper, Gabriel, and George were all passed out on the large sofa with at least one child laying upon their chests while the remaining children which just happened to be the twins laid sprawled out across Gabriel's chest. Jackson held Cassia who was only a month old upon his chest carefully while Jasper had Julian, Gabriel had the twins, and George had my little girl. And the cutest thing that came out of all of this was, they all looked comfortable in their sleeping positions while The Muppets movie played on the large screen TV. Turning to the girls, I smiled as we began to make our way towards them as Aiden stirred awake.

"Mommy?" He whispered while rubbing his eyes with his little fists as his twin stirred from the familiar word. Slowly bending down to his level, Scar scooped him up in her arms before doing the same with Lucy who protested quietly before she fell back asleep.

"I think the kids tired out the guys." Snow whispered while gently caressing Gabriel's sleeping face as he and the others awoke with a quiet groan. "Sorry that we're late." She stated with a smile as my eyes quietly drifted over to George who was cooing a very feisty infant. Not noticing my presence yet, she proceeded to cry until he place her on his shoulder and rocked a little, surprising me by the quietness that arose within Rosa.

"Welcome back, Mimi." He greeted while he continued to rock her asleep. Her small little frame had quietly stopped causing a ruckus as it now laid, at peace on the large man's shoulder. "How was your night?" He questioned as his mahogany brown eyes flickered up towards me while his lips curved up in a smile.

Dear lord. I thought while staring down at this beautiful man holding my baby who somehow broke away the piece of wall that was protecting my heart from such feelings. He's staring at me with those beautiful eyes.

"U-hh..It was okay. How was Rosa? I hope she wasn't a handful." I stated quietly while feeling the blood suddenly rush to my cheeks as I struggle to keep my cool under his gaze. With a small shrug, he stood from his seat on the couch before walking over to me, his towering height standing tall over my small petite frame. His short curly brown hair framed his face as his gorgeous mahogany brown eyes stared back at me.

"She was fun to be around just like her mother. If you and little Rosa are up for a nice day out together, I would love to take you two out for a walk in the town and show you some rad places that's both mommy friendly and child friendly. What do ya say? You up for a little outing?" He questioned with a sly smile upon his face as I started laughing quietly. "Did I say something wrong?" He questioned as I shook my head.

"Basically, you want to go on a date with me but you're using Rosa as an excuse?" I questioned while raising my eyebrows as all traces on humor left my face.

"Actually Mimi, I want to go on a date with the both of you because I find myself enjoying Rosa as much as I enjoy you. So...what do you say? Yes or no?" He questioned with a pleading look in his eyes as I couldn't help but smile at him for his effort.

"Alright. I'll go but this is just a thank you for being there with me to witness Rosa's birth." I smiled while pecking his cheek as 'awes' resonated throughout the large living room. Slowly turning back, we noticed that we had gained an unneeded audience. "Well, I guess that's my cue to leave. Goodnight everybody." I smiled while turning back to George as he quietly handed me Rosa.

"I can take you home if you don't have a ride." He stated as I shook my head at his kind gesture.

"No, its okay. I'll just take a cab back to my apartment and I'll see you tomorrow?" I questioned as my sister and her friend had to intervene.

"Nope, its too dangerous and you're still new to New York. We'd be happier if he took you home." They stated in unison as I quickly turned my head towards them while glowering in their direction. I was going to skin them alive once Snow had her baby.

"I'm f-" I was interrupted by the quiet cry of Rosa who quietly moved her little fists around. "Fine. Fine." I sighed while looking around the room for her diaper bag. "Have you seen Rosa's diaper bag?" I whispered while rubbing down her short light brown curls.

"It should be in my car. We took the children out today." He explained as I nodded before kissing my sister and her bestie goodbye while hurrying out into the darkness of the night with George close by me.

Once we were on his car and strapped up, he drove me back to my apartment where I kissed him a goodbye. This time, on the lips.


Too tired to write much but, here ya go. I apologize for the long wait.

Any questions or concerns, comment please and I'll get to you asap. Also, Mimi's background won't be elaborated on that much in this book since this is Snow and Gabriel's book but they will have their own story like Jasper and Angela. #spoileralert

Anywho, I'd like to thank you all for reading this book so far and I really appreciate your opinions and votes as I didn't think anybody wanted to read about Gabriel's life after they finished the main book. But you all proved me wrong and I'd love to express my dearest and sincerest thankfulness to all of you. 

Okay, its 3 am and I need sleep. Farewell you sweet people!~


P.S. One away from 1K followers X3

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