♡Chapter 6♡

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Espresso stepped onto the bus, sitting next to Latte. "Did we get any science homework today?" She asked as he rummaged through her backpack. She started to turn to look at him. "I wasn't paying atten- JESUS, what the hell happened to your face?!" She stared at the bruises and cuts on his face.

He smiled slightly. "Is it really that bad? Do you think Mother and Father will notice?"

Her mouth hung open a little as she tried to find the right words to say. "I'm... I'm sure they could miss it. If you, uh, tried hard enough..?"

"Okay. It's bad. I get it."

"It's not... Terrible," She suggested.

Espresso sighed. "Uh huh." He rolled his eyes.

"What happened?" She asked again. "Did you faceplant down five flights of stairs?"

"Some kid beat me up," Espresso said. "Because of the rumors about me and Madeleine."



They both stayed silent for a moment as the rest of the kids came into the bus and it began to drive out of the school's parking lot.

"Oh, and we don't have any homework for science today," Espresso said, looking back at her.

She nodded. "That's good, cuz I'm tired. I might go to sleep right after school," Latte yawned, leaning back in the seat, and closing her eyes.

Espresso glanced around the bus. Some people were staring at him, whispering to their friends. He tensed up as he narrowed his eyes at them. Why was everyone so mean?

A couple of the girls noticed he was staring at them and laughed, continuing to whisper about him. He couldn't hear most of what they were saying, but he heard stuff about how he took Madeleine from them.

He turned away, sighing.

After a few minutes, the bus pulled to their stop and he tapped Latte on her shoulder, getting her attention. They stepped off the bus and began walking back to their house.

As they walked up onto the doorstep, Latte took one last look at Espresso's beat-up face. "Maybe they won't notice."

He glanced up at her before nodding. "Yeah. Okay."

They opened the door and stepped in. Mother was sitting on the couch, watching TV. She turned and smiled as she saw Latte. "Hello, dear, how was school today?" She asked as she stood up, taking her backpack from her.

"It was okay," Latte said, glancing at Espresso as he tried to sneak by, hiding his face from their mother. "But I'm kind of tired, so I might take a little nap."

Mother nodded. She turned to Espresso, her eyes widening at the sight of his bruised and cut-up face. "What the hell happened to you?!" She gasped as took the cigarette out of her mouth. She grabbed his arm, stopping him from leaving.

He winced, looking up at her. He opened his mouth to speak, but she cut him off.

"Did you get into a fight at school?" His mother stared at his face in horror.

"W-Well, it wasn't exactly a fi-"

"Did you get in trouble? What the fuck were you thinking?!" She yelled.

"I didn't get in trouble, I-"

"You could have gotten expelled!" She let go of his arm. "How could you do something so foolish?!"


"I am so ashamed of you. God, what kind of son have I raised? You're turning into a delinquent, getting into fights..." She mumbled to herself.

Please Don't Tell My Parents - Espresseleine Highschool AuWhere stories live. Discover now