Chapter 26

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My body becomes cold in one swift movement. It's like someone has dialed the air conditioning to its maximum setting, dropped water on my head, and expects me to sit right in front of it until I die of hypothermia. Okay, I might be a bit dramatic when I say that, but the ice that shoots in my veins has me frozen in place. Every horrific thought and nightmare that has plagued me over the past month comes rushing back and a voice in the back of my head snickers like all of this is some big joke.

Shut up you stupid voice. I think. Or I'll poke you with a Q-tip.

That's it. I'm finally going insane.


"Yeah?" I ask, dazed.

Principal Miller and Hayden's father must see my apprehension because Matthew's hand moves to rest on my shoulder in a reassuring gesture that makes me wince. He sighs, unsurprised, and removes his hand.

"You know this man," Mathew states. "And you that Hayden is involved with his schemes."

I nod, numbness inching up my abdomen and into my chest.

"We've met." And he stalked me, had his cronies attack me, and left me in a burning house. "You could say we're pretty buddy-buddy."

Mathew's unsettling mercury eyes watch me stare into the photograph of Derek he holds in front of me. The photograph is a grainy, black and white projection of what must be a security camera somewhere in a city. But despite the fade in the colors and the images surrounding him, Derek is in full view, smirking directly into the camera—at me—as if he knew they were watching him.

"What can you tell us about your encounter?" Mathew begins and pressure builds in my chest. I don't even know where to start. Everything fights its way up my throat, the words begging to be let out first.

But as I begin to answer, the door bursts open with a startling slam, making the pictures on the walls shake. Our heads whip around to see Hayden, his cheek swelling a purplish blue color, being shoved into the office by two officers. His eyes briefly connect with mine before he's staring down his father with a malicious hatred I'd only seen when he looked at Derek.

"What are you doing here?" he demands.

Mathew climbs to his feet, the set of his jaw matching his son almost exactly. There isn't hatred in his eyes, but deepening rage. Another thing they have in common.

"I should be asking you the same thing, Hayden." Mathew narrows his eyes. "What happened?"

"Like you care!" Hayden snarls back. He looks two seconds away from lunging at the man.

Principal Miller jumps to his feet. "I think we'll finish our conversation some other time, Ember. You can go now."

I don't have to be told again.

And just as I pass Hayden, he grabs my forearm with a bleeding hand and pulls me closer to him. My breath halts and my body coils. He doesn't speak, only glances from me to the photograph of Derek on the chair across from us.

What did you say? His expression asks.

I purse my lips and shake my head ever so slightly. Nothing.

His grip loosens. I hastily pull away.

* * *

"I want to remind you guys that registration for New York City is reaching its deadline," Mrs. Spellman informs the Senior Class at our monthly senior meeting assembly. Standing on the auditorium stage, she pulls her glasses further down her nose and rifles through a large stack of papers in her hands. "We'll be leaving for New York on the twentieth. We need payment and hotel arrangements completed by the fourteenth of this month."

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