Chapter Forty One- Fulfilled

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Kas watched as the woman he was going to give his world to, fell from the tower of his own construction. A shout of anguish tearing from his lungs.

His heart tore apart in his chest as he willed everything, every drop of power left, yet received nothing. No trees springing from the ground, no vines shooting up to wrap themselves around her falling figure.

His mind told him there was nothing he could do, yet he plunged his hands into the bloodied earth, willing for something, anything. But still nothing.

His mother. His people. His love.

Another shout escaped his lips, drops of water hitting his cheeks not registering as all he could do was watch.

He had given her everything. All his energy, his power. He had felt the tug, realised where she was, who she was with and not hesitated. His power, his life- it was hers and he trusted her implicitly to use it, only saving the bare minimum he needed to stay awake, to stay alive.

He had felt the shockwave as their elements came together and were released in their purest forms upon the world and Darkness.

He had seen the Dark One's, eyes wide with shock, fear, betrayal and finally peace, fall dead to the floor. Their bodies hitting synchronised to the ground.

He had watched as the black haired, white gowned woman he loved was carried with the shockwave, falling backwards out of the open sides of the tower he built.

And he could do nothing.

The wet drops hitting his cheeks increased to a point Kas could no longer ignore.

Within the space a mere few seconds, the earth trembled and water shot from the ground beneath Eboni's falling figure. The column of water reached into the sky encasing her and slowing down her decent. As she hit the floor the water washed her over the moat to his side, before sitting still on the land for a moment as though held frozen in a snapshot of time. It began to move again, slowly trickling back towards the moat, disappearing as though nothing had happened.

But it had. The proof of which was now laid, drenched and unconscious in front of him.

"Eboni" he sighed in relief, clutching her to him.

She was alive. The faint but detectable beat of her heart proof of that. But he knew her being here with him, in his arms, would have its consequences. She had fallen, as was written in the prophecy. A part of him knew, however that it could not be so simple.

Looking around for the boy who had given him his love back he saw the dishevelled figure of his friend. He was stood still, looking over to them. His arms still outstretched by his side, palms facing the sky.

Raus met his gaze, a grin stretching his cheeks. His legs shook with the weight of keeping him upright and in the blink of an eye Kas watched as he collapsed to the floor.

Bony fingers wrapped around his own, snapping him from the silent and numb shock that had frozen him of his capacities. He met the eyes of Arianna, who silently peeled Eboni from his grip, checking for her heart beat and caressing her hair as silent tears fell from her own eyes. She nodded to the crumpled figure on the floor where Raus had just stood.

"Go. She is safe with me."

Kas stumbled upright, willing his legs to work. Forcing one foot in front of the other, pushing from his mind the identities of the bodies he was climbing over.

As he neared Raus, the young boys laboured breathing and vacant eyes brought him to his knees.

"Raus, Raus! Come on! Talk to me!" Kas shouted, grabbing his friends shoulder, shaking his as though he could shake the life back into him.

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