Part 1: Adam

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 Hi, I'm Adam Smith. I'm a 24 year old jobless guy, well like most of the guys my age I think. I used to have a job at a burger stand but that thing is tiring and not challenging at all, so I quit (but the truth is that the franchise owner is cutting man power because of the low income). Another thing is that I'm too handsome to be on that kinda job! Okay, I'm kidding. I'm just an ordinary looking fat American with a nice ass! About that "fat" part, I actually started working out and the pounds started to go away, at least that'show I see it. I'm like 180 pounds a month ago, but I think I'm only around 150 now (or that's just my imagination), also I stood 175 cm high! Not so tall but I think that's decent already. I also have this natural curly hair, that's kinda my signature and people recognize me because of it. I grew it long up to my shoulders just to feel sexy (But okay I'm never sexy). I'm just amazed that I never grew facial hair, some people did thought I was 5 years younger than my actual age, I'm ambivalent about that remark though...
Well enough of making fun of my physical sexiness. I'm a frustrated fashion designer. When I was young, I always see my mom designing new clothes for my little sister and that's where it all began. My mom is a frustrated designer as well. She finished her designing degree but never had a decent job, basically because more powerful people are "stealing" her designs and she can't fight back. That was the problem with my mom, she's just too afraid... just too frail. However, she never failed to surprise my little sister with her designs. But when my mom and dad divorced, my old man took my sister with him, that broke my mom's heart so badly. I never asked about the whereabouts of the divorce, I was too young. What I remember is that I draw clothings on scrap papers and gave them to my mom whenever I see her sad, that somehow lessens the pain for some reason. Since then I became interested in designing.

Two years ago (when my belly was super sagging), I enrolled in a fashion designing course. That was fun but then the ending was not so good. The fees are too high so I have to find more part time jobs. Being in more part time jobs then made me go late in my classes. Being late in my classes made me waste my valuable money for nothing. To cut the story short, I quit. I was deppressed for a couple of months, especially when my mom went to live with my aunt and I was left alone. But for some reason (I think boredom, I'm not sure though), I enrolled in a short course in fashion designing, that was just 3 months long. That thing I did was the best thing that happened in my life! My mentors saw my potential and for once, I saw myself being praised by other people (other than my mom). The happiness faded after the 3 month course ended though, I did not end up in a fashion magazine. I ended up in a burger stand.
Well the news this morning might change the course of my life. I was lying half dead in my couch when this gay friend of mine came like a raging storm (Noisy and all). His name is Josie (Joselito in Real Life) and he's a Filipino who grew up in this foreign ground. He's also my class mate at the Designing short course, though I've known him for a very long time (even before he knew he was gay). He's a brollic brown guy, his biceps are bigger than my legs for God's sake. He also wears this curly black wig to cover his balding front. And he loves pink.
"Hey sleepy head, have you heard the news?" he said as he enters my apartment. He was holding some kind of a glossy paper, probably an ad or something.
"What news?"
"You're not serious?!" he taunted
"If it's about a male athlete slicing his penis to be a female, then don't mention it"
He handed me the paper, "The EMPIRE Inc is looking for new designers to be part of their team!"
I was suddenly more than awake! This is big news to me, bigger than big! This company is one of the biggest names in the fashion industry. It houses the best designers and models in the business (well at least, "some" of them). The opportunity to work here is once in a lifetime, and I will do anything to take a chance!
"Damn, it's real!" I'm on my feet now, "When is this?"
He stepped closer and pointed at a specific part of the ad, "Today, 3 hours from now actually."

Damn! Damn! Damn!
I can't remain calm. I interrogated him for a while but I just found myself repeating the same questions. Then I came into my senses. I rushed into my laptop and opened a soft copy of my resume, the same thing I used to apply at the burger stand (Yes, they require it there too). I made big big revisions like adding the fact that I was awarded as one of the best students in my class (I hope this helps). The institution where I took my course is quite famous so that could be a plus factor too.
I printed my resume five times just to be sure, I don't wanna fail since this will be my first time. Now it's time for the "dress to impress" part.

I opened my cabinet and saw nothing! I just remembered I haven't done the laundry yet (for ages already), I'm not expecting anything like this anyway. And sad part is, some of my attires are on my aunts house, I keep procrastinating on getting them here but I failed to do so (since I am not expecting anything like this). Now I have no choice, I stared back at Josie, "You have spare do you?"
He gave me an evil smile, "I'll take care of you my dear"
I got goosebumps, I'm afraid of where this could lead to.

We drove at Josie's house, just a couple of miles away from my apartment. He loves pink so much that he colored his bungalow pink. There are also flowers on his backyard, roses and tulips of different colors. Upon reaching his place, his poodle ran towards us. Damn, this poodle he calls Paris is so fancy (covered in pink? Yes).

He leads me to his room. This guy lives on his own. His family is actually earning well, however, they have businesses in other states so they are kinda scattered. His younger sister, Becky, visits him often though.

His room was so large, maybe double the size of my room. Super model posters are on one side of the room while a wide array of collector's item bags and accessories are on the other. There is also a table full of cosmetics, I never knew he has this much!

"What do you prefer?" he asked me

"Just give me something decent" I try not to be too much demanding.

He opened his wide cabinet. I was in awe! All I see is pink!

"Choose!" he said
"What the!!! You don't mean to say I'll be wearing pink in my first interview?!"

"Then you should have done your laundry."

...And there I was left with no choice.

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