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(A/n:It's been 1 week,Kookie was still ignoring V... He wasn't talking with him even in the apartment,not even texting him,also avoiding his phn calls..

V was angry & sad at the same time..he was controlling himself not to burst out or something..he was giving space to Kookie as much as he everything has a at one point he couldn't control anymore...

He was calling Kookie & texting him..Kookie saw it bt didn't receive the call or didn't see the message..Bt little did Kookie not know that,V was seeing his all actions via CC camera from his officeroom..Kookie was at Caffè at that moment...

V became more pissed he angrily went towards Caffè to talk with Kookie..
He entered the Caffè being all angry & cold aurora..Kookie gulped seeing him..
V came towards him and said....)

V:Why aren't you receiving my call..?

Kookie:I..(He didn't know what to say as a reply)

V:You what...?

Kookie:I was so busy,so I didn't see that u were calling...

V:Don't lie, Kookie..ik, u weren't that busy..

Kookie:Why will I lie...?

V:I saw by my eyes.. You saw the phone bt didn't answer..

Kookie:How will u see..huh?

V:That's not the point...Uk what..we need to talk.. Come with me...

Kookie:I can't go with u...

V:I am not asking Kookie.. I am telling u to come with me..

(A/n:Saying that he held Kookie by his wrist & dragged him out from there.. and took him to a side room of their Caffè...thn he released Kookie's hand..)

V:Now,you tell me,what's your freaking problem..?Why are you ignoring me like this...huh?What did I do?

Kookie:U didn't do anything don't u understand.. I....

V:I understand... That's why I am saying..Kookie,ik we are bestfrnd..and I was embarrassed too..I just did it cause I wanted to help you..I didn't wanna see you in this pain..

Also, what's even ur prblm here..?If anyone has to face any problem, it's me..not you.. I am an omega Kookie.. I slept with an alpha who was in his uk the consequences.. right?

Kookie:That's what I am saying.. I did wrong with you.. I shouldn't have done this.. we shouldn't have done this hyung.. you shouldn't have approached me in that condition, and also, I shouldn't have loosened my self-control..
It's bothering me so much... I can't see you around me... It reminds me every time that I did wrong with you..

V:So,now,my presence is bothering u, huh?

Kookie:I didn't mean in that way, hyung..

V:Enough..I understand..Ok fine..don't worry.. from today..u don't have to face me..I will not show u my face till u wanna face me by yourself...

Kookie:Hyung....(concerned)I didn't mean it...

V:You only mean this.. Nothing else..take your time...I will not bother u anymore..(said in cold tone & he left from there....)

(A/n:Kookie wanted to stop him, bt he had no courage to do so.. He stood still with teary eyes.. He was feeling more guilty thn.. Poor boy didn't know what to do.. He was in dilemma...

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