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(A/n:After 1 week,V came back home..he was pretty well Taekook didn't talk that much after that day..specially V,he became mute and cold..Kookie thought V was in grief that's why he didn't talk with him..After all it's a great loss for of them bt only if Kookie knew it was V's acting....

In the evening,V was sitting on the couch with a magazine in his hand..Kookie was sitting a far behind... He wanna talk with V bt V was motionless...)

Kookie:Hyung,ig we need to talk...

V:Ik..we need to talk..(cold tone)

Kookie:At last,you are talking..(Sighed a little...)

V:Yeah..(Chuckled bitterly..)So,are you planning to move on from my place..?
Where are you going to live now..?

Kookie:Hyung,what are you saying..?(Confused)

V:You don't need to act Kookie. I know u are going to say this, too..

Kookie:What?Why will I even say this..,

V:Kookie,plzz.. just do whatever you want.. I won't forbade you.. cause I have no right to do it..also what will I even expect huh..Who will live with an omega who can't give birth to a pup..(Chuckled sadly)

Kookie:Hyung...wait.. no, no..what are you even saying....Hyung,I will never leave you cause of this...are you even serious now...?My love for you isn't that much weak that I will leave u for this..

Moreover,there is no fault of yours..It's just an accident..I am not that much immature and naive hyung...(He went towards V and bent down to his level and held his hand securely)

Hyung,I love you..I will never leave you behind no matter what... Don't think negative stuff...idc about it..I only care for you. That's it..

V:Don't show sympathy to me, Kookie.. You were so happy when you heard about our now...(His eyes were teary...)An alpha always desires for a pup with his I..I am just..(He broke into tears, and Kookie pulled him in a warm hug...)

Kookie:Hyung..ssh... Don't cry, plzz.. I am not showing sympathy to you...and of course I was happy about we can't do anything here hyung..we both have to accept it...that's it...and most importantly, you are safe and sound I don't care about anything..You are my everything hyung..plzz don't cry..

V:So,you will never leave me, right?I didn't talk with you cause I was afraid that I was gonna lose will not love me anymore..u will leave me..plzz Kookie..plzz don't you ever think of leaving me..I can't live without you..I love you Kookie..I love you a lot...(crying so badly...)

Kookie:I love to too hyung.. I promise, and I swear on our bonding that I will never leave you.. never ever.. no matter what...(and V smirked in happiness..)

(A/n:After a few moments,V stopped crying, and he was in Kookie's arm.. he was resting his head in Kookie's chest.. and Kookie was cherishing V's hair..V was playing with Kookie's shirt, and suddenly Kookie felt that...

V was opening Kookie's shirt buttons..and he kinda unbuttoned all his shirt buttons.. And Kookie was lil confused bt he let his hyung do whatever he wanted...

Thn V looked at Kookie and smiled a little and then nuzzled his face in Kookie's chest..Kookie was just cooing at his hyung's cute behaviour..thn V started to place kiss in Kookie's chest and Kookie felt goosebumps..thn V started to give smooches and even bite him like love bite...)

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