3. Stop Calling Me Pipsqueak You Shit Eater

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soooo.. long story short, my leg is all fucked up. but the nurse is fucking stupid and she didn't do anything really. she just put some weird cream on it. she told me that i should probably go home, but i didn't listen to her. i only had one period left, but whatever. walking with that fucked up leg was a complete struggle, i gotta be honest. i almost fell down the fucking stairs.

once i was in front of the classroom, i struggled to open the door.
- good morning - i said towards the teacher. i stared at the clock on the wall and i felt relieved. the lesson hasn't started yet so i'm not late. i hated this class, cuz we had assigned seats. i sat down, waiting patiently for the bell to ring. soon it did, and more students started filling up the room. looking at all the familiar faces, i noticed one that i hated the most. frank. he stood in front of mr. clarkson's desk, waiting for him to give him his assigned seat. of course i had luck, and he had to sit next to me.
- you alright? - he asked me once he finally sat down. i hummed, nodding my head quickly.
- good. your leg still hurts? - he added, clasping his hands on the desk.
- yeah, kinda.. but it's bearable. - i said, looking up at him. i gazed into his brown eyes, as they were scanning my whole face. he kindly smiled at me, and i have to say that i felt butterflies. he broke the eye contact with me and instead he looked at the teacher. damn. what the fuck was that? did i really get butterflies? i furrowed my brows, before looking forward. i nervously played with my pen, and i couldn't focus on what the teacher was babbling about.
- hey - frank said, and it immediately made me brush off my thoughts. i looked up at him, staring into his brown eyes yet again.
- you still wanna come to my house? - he asked me, and i smiled slightly, nodding my head quickly in approval.
- cool - he said while smirking slightly, before he went back to taking notes. i kept looking at him, but after a few seconds i realized that it's weird and i looked away.
this boy is so fucking confusing, and so are my feelings towards him.

time skip

the lesson was finally over and i packed my stuff back into my backpack. i stood up, and waited patiently for frank. soon he stood up as well, and he turned around to look at me.
- alright, let's go now - he said, giving me his hand. i stared at it, furrowing my eyebrows both in confusion and disgust.
- come on, let's go - he said louder, shaking his hand slightly. i groaned, and as much as i hate to say it, i grabbed his hand. his completely cold fingers intertwined with mine, but somehow they made me feel warmer.

we left the school, where we were faced with the other guys. frank dropped my hand as soon as he saw them.
- y'all ready to party? - he said very loudly, wiggling his eyebrows and shoulders.
- wooho! - ray yelled, and everyone laughed. except for me.
- oh come on pipsqueak, laugh! it was funny - frank whispered into my ear, hitting my arm with his elbow. i sighed, rolling my eyes. i crossed my arms at my chest, looking ahead of me instead of gazing up at him.
- stop calling me pipsqueak you shit eater - i said aggressively, and he giggled. god i hate his behavior. fuckin' pick me attention seeking bitch.
- okay, let's go - ray said, grabbing frank's arm and dragging him along. he was leading us to frank's house, when suddenly mikey started walking next to me.
- so.. how's your leg? - he asked, and i smirked with my teeth.
- it's... it's alright i guess. i can barely walk, but either than that, it's all good - i said, raising my eyebrows and smiling uncontrollably.
- well i'm glad nothing too bad happened to you, i was worried, ya know? - he said, and i saw gerard side eyeing us with a smug look on his face. i brushed away every thought about him, before looking back into mikey's eyes. i flashed him a warm smile, before looking ahead.

after a few minutes of constant walking, we were inside frank's house.
his parents were out of town, so that meant we could party all night. frank got beer out of the fridge in his kitchen, and walked up to me with two bottles in his hands.
- want one? - he asked me and of course i nodded. he handed me one of the bottles, smiling at me.
- thanks - i mumbled out, looking away from him. i opened the beer with my teeth, and he widened both his eyes and mouth.
- YOO!! - he yelled, totally in shock.
- what? - ray asked him, looking our way.
- she just opened a beer. WITH HER TEETH. - he said, completely amazed with my ability.
- yeah well, our y/n's talented like that - ray said, putting his arm around me while flashing a smile towards me. i smiled as well, before taking a sip of the beverage.
- yeah i guess i am - i said, narrowing my eyes at ray.
- aaaaanywayyy.. you guys wanna smoke some pot? - frank said, before taking out a ziplock bag full of joints from the pocket of his pants.
- gimme that - gerard said, taking the bag out of frank's hands.
- hey!! give it back asshole - frank shouted, as gerard put his hand high up so that poor midget frank couldn't reach it.
- nope - gerard said, popping the 'p'. frank groaned, before they started fighting over the joints. they were all giggly and shit, which made me smirk.
- they're so fuckin' gay - i said, chuckling slightly.
- shut up bitch - frank said, which made me look directly at him.
- the fuck did you just call me? - i asked him, furrowing my eyebrows as he put the ziplock bag back into his pocket.
- nothin' - he said while raising his eyebrows and making an upside down smile.
- whatever. i'm gonna go change into comfy clothes - i said, rolling my eyes and storming off to whatever room was the closest to me. i ended up in his parents bedroom, i think? i don't know. i took out my comfy clothes that i always bring with me to school and i put them on, before staring into a mirror that was on the closet.

i had a slipknot t-shirt, black flare jeans and i put my hair up in a ponytail.
i left the room, going back into the kitchen.
- damn, now you look less slutty - frank said, smirking with his teeth.
- what? - i said, furrowing my eyebrows very hard. the fuck? he just shook his head, looking away. i sighed, and i took out my glasses from my bag. i put them on, fixing them on my nose.
- ... you wear glasses? - frank said, raising his eyebrows. i nodded tiredly, before looking at mikey. he flashed a smile towards me, which made me smile as well.

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