𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟏

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July, 2005

You walk out of your bedroom, still being a little sleepy but you have to get ready for school. Reaching your hand out to the door handle of the bathroom door, you try to open it but it's locked. You groan out annoyed and bang your fist against the door "Hurry up, Ran or Rindou! I need to go to school!", no answer.

"Oi!!" You shout but you still don't receive a reply, so you decide to walk into the kitchen to eat something first instead of wasting your time on trying to get into the bathroom by whoever is blocking it. You spot Rindou sitting at the bar counter with his head leaning on his hands, looking a bit messed up. So if he's here, then it's Ran blocking the bathroom...again!

"You look like absolute shit" You state and make yourself a bowl of cereal before you also grab two headache pills and a glass of water, placing it in front of him "Thanks.." he mutters and gulps down the pills with water. You sit down beside him "How long did you party last night that you look like this now?"

Rindou had some friends over and at one point they started heavily drinking (as usual). Ran on the other hand was fast asleep (also as usual) just like you since you have school the next day. Not that you were very interested in drinking with his stupid friends anyway.

"I dunno" he mutters, slowly standing up from his seat while you just sigh a little and take out your phone, replying to a few messages. You flinch when Ran suddenly stands behind you, looking over your shoulder "Who are you texting?" "Don't be so nosy, it's just Hina. She wants to hang out after school" you reply and show him the chat before he nods in acknowledgement and saunters off to grab a glass of orange juice.

You turn your head and see Rindou walking towards the bathroom. Jumping up from your chair, you run after him while yelling "Nooo, Rindou!! I have to-", but it was too late. The bathroom door closes right in front of your nose and you mumble, finishing your sentence "-..get ready for school.."

Throwing your head back annoyed, you knock on the door "Please, Rindou, hurry up! I'm going to be late again!!" "Just wake up earlier!" he shouts from inside and you snarl, barking "Is that the 'thank you' for not waking Ran up last night because you and the hoard of idiots, you call your friends were loud as fuck?!" "I'm taking a piss, fuck off!!" He snaps back, causing you to grimace and walk away.

Back in the kitchen, you see Rindou's jacket draped over the bar stool. You grab it and slip your hand into the pocket and pull out his wallet, taking out his credit card "Thanks for sponsoring my next shopping spree, Rin..", Ran is leaning against the kitchen counter while watching you but is not even trying to interfere.

When Rindou finally walks out of the bathroom, you are slowly running late. So you dash into the bathroom, taking a quick shower before you change into your school uniform. You grab your backpack from your room and you rush out of the apartment while shouting "Byeee~"

"Where is she going so early?" Rindou questions as he sits down at the bar counter with some leftover pizza. Ran knits his eyebrows irritated "School?! Also...you gonna clean up the living room or I'll punch you for letting your friends stay over and making a mess!!", with that they start bickering like always.

You, on the other hand, wave excitedly at Hina who is waiting for you in front of the school gate. She shakes her head in a scolding manner "You're late, [Y/n]!" "I swear, it was not my fault this time. My stupid brothers were blocking the bathroom, so I couldn't get ready, and my fucking train was late too!" You defend yourself as you two walk into the school building.

"Hina!" A voice calls out behind you two, making you turn around and spot Takemichi walking towards her and you with a smile. His face is bruised up and you wonder if he will ever stand up for himself and actually win a fight that he gets into all the time because all you've ever seen him do is lose and cry like a baby afterwards.

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖔𝖙𝖎𝖈 𝕰𝖛𝖎𝖑 ||| Tokyo Revengers x [Y/n] HaitaniWhere stories live. Discover now