𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟐𝟕

712 32 19

"Whyyy?~" you groan and nearly slam your forehead onto the dining table to lay your head on it. Ran refills his glass with orange juice "Because tomorrow is the battle and we want to celebrate, [Y/n]. Some of the others come over to drink later in the evening too" "Whyyy?~" you whine again "What exactly do we have to celebrate?" "Our win" Rindou chimes in, causing you to lift your head and look at him comically "But we didn't win yet, the fight is tomorrow. Tomorrow!"

"We already won the fight" your oldest brother stated confidently, his lips curling into a lazy smirk. You frown "We still have to fight Toman, you know" "Yeah" "So how do you wanna know if we already won?" "Don't be so pessimistic and eat up now, so we can go to Ginza!" He shuts you up, waving his hand "And don't act like you'd have to be forced going shopping when that's basically your favorite pastime"

You huff out before you secretly kick Rindou's leg with your foot when Ran continues to eat breakfast. He glares at you, thinking you want to annoy him but then he sees what you wanna do. A wide, mischievous grin spreads across both of your faces as you pack a bunch of yogurt on your spoon, lifting it and aiming for your oldest brother.

The two of you burst out laughing when the yogurt hits Ran's forehead and hair. Though he instantly starts yelling while wiping his angry face with the sleeve of his sweater "You little shits, I will kill you both!", you and Rindou don't waste any time and jump up to run for your lives.

He takes off after you two and you let out a scream when he almost grabbed you but you swiftly jump across the couch to shake him off before you dash into Rindou's room in time. Rindou slams the door shut and hastily locks it in slight panic while your oldest brother slams his fists so hard against the door, making you jump and think he's about to break it down "Open the fucking door! Right now!!"

"Was that your fucking idea, Rindou?! Come out!" "It wasn't my idea, it was [Y/n's]!" He yells back, standing on the other side of the door also banging his fist against the door since he got blamed again. You start laughing while Ran keeps on accusing Rindou "I know it was your idea, so come out and stand your fucking ground!"

Rindou turns to you urgently "Tell him it was your idea, [Y/n]" "What do you mean? You forced me!" You shout innocently with a sweet smile playing on your lips as you jump on his bed, grabbing a random magazine about fitness that was laying around there "You should listen to Ran and open that door, maybe he has some mercy for you" "Fuck you!" He growls before turning back to the door, praying that Ran won't straight up break it to get to him.

"I'll buy you Mont Blanc, big brother!!"

The hammering on the door instantly stops, making you look up from the magazine with a raised eyebrow and then hear Ran bark "I better have it in 15 fucking minutes!", before he shuffles away.

Sighing in relief that he's gone, Rindou turns to you "Give me money" "What, no?" "You did it, you'll pay for it!" He states with knitted eyebrows but you shrug your shoulders "I am broke" "You're a liar! I know you got a shitload of money and Ran also gave you money yesterday even though you don't need it!" He barks while putting on a jacket.

You get up from his bed "Go and earn your own money. Is your business in Roppongi going to shits?", shuffling over to his closet to look through his clothes to ste- borrow some.

He snarls at you "Stop stealing my damn clothes, [Y/n]. You already have all of my hoodies!" "That's not true!" "Oh, yeah? And where are they then?!" "In- in the washing machine!" you lie with a wobbly smile, making him grumble something under his breath before he unlocks the door and hurries to buy Mont Blanc for Ran.

Also walking out of his room since you had to get dressed for Ginza because Ran and surprisingly even Rindou wants to go out. After you've showered, you do your makeup and make Ran style your hair into a slick, high ponytail before you also ask him for advice on what you should wear. Arguing a little over the dress you wanted to wear because he said it's too cold but he gives up and tells you to wear a warm coat at least.

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖔𝖙𝖎𝖈 𝕰𝖛𝖎𝖑 ||| Tokyo Revengers x [Y/n] HaitaniWhere stories live. Discover now