𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟗

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Rindou stares at you with shocked widened eyes as you stand in front of him at the door, bleeding and crying "W- what happened, [Y/n]?!", Ran comes rushing to you two after hearing Rindou's obvious shouting and now also stares at you with the same facial expression. You try to wipe some tears away as you snap angrily "Can I come in or do you want me to stand here even longer?!"

Your oldest brother pushes Rindou a bit to the side while more tears prickle down your cheeks. He quickly helps you take off your white sneakers that are also stained with blood as it runs down your knees and you drop your backpack while he bombards you with questions. You lift your shaking hand to your head, holding it while you regret running all the way home "I feel dizzy...-"

Black dots pop into your vision and everything blurs into each other while the voices of your brothers faint into nothing.

You don't know for how long you've been out but when you wake up again, you lay in Ran's bed, probably because his room was closer than yours and they had to carry you. Turning your head to your left, you spot him sitting on a chair right next to you with his head laying on the mattress in the most uncomfortable sleeping position you've ever seen. But he is able to fall asleep literally anywhere, it was like a superpower while you and Rindou always have trouble falling asleep. It's not uncommon for you three to meet early in the morning when Ran wakes up at that time while Rindou only then goes to bed and you were awake the whole night too but go to school regardless.

"Ran?" You slowly sit up while noticing that they've switched your clothes to some loose sweatpants and a t-shirt. They also cleaned you up a bit and basically wrapped you up in bandages.

Shaking his shoulder, he finally wakes up and instantly cups your face "[Y/n], are you okay?! Can you remember what happened?" "Y-yeah, I-" you were cut off by Rindou who suddenly stands in the doorway to the bedroom "Who did this to you, [Y/n]?! Tell us and we will kill them!", walking closer to you until he stands on your other side. You obviously remember what happened but your thoughts are running, not being able to say anything just yet.

"Rindou, I told you we need to go to the hospital. Now look at her! I think...I think she has amnesia!" Ran exclaims and dramatically places a hand over his heart. Rindou points at him with a snarl "What?! You said she doesn't need a doctor, so this is your fault!!"

Staring at them with parted lips before you shake your head and lift your hands "Stop yelling! I don't have amnesia, guys. I'm [Y/n], 14 years old and you two are my stupid brothers!", they both sigh in relief. Rindou sits down beside you on the bed "But what the fuck happened to you?" "Who did that?" Ran knits his eyebrows, looking like he's about to murder somebody.

"Uhm.." you stammer, thinking about how you actually don't want to tell them the truth because then you'd also have to explain to them how you know Hanma and your cover of being at Hina's place even though you were at a gang party, blows. You'd just get into even more trouble...no no, a little notary lie has never hurt anybody, right?

"I was on my way home from school when somebody pushed me down the stairs at the train station" you lie "I yelled after him but he didn't stop" "Did you know him? Do you remember his face?" Ran presses but you shake your head "I didn't and he was also wearing a mask" "Are you sure?" Rindou questions, pointing at your cheeks while looking at you with sharp eyes as if he's suspicious of what you're telling them "That bruise looks like you've been hit by somebody"

"Yes!" You nod, being firm to stay with that made-up story "I really wasn't able to see his face or make him stop. Maybe his elbow or something got me there when I fell? Everything happened so fast!"

"Okay" Ran nods "But you feel okay again, right? Are you still dizzy or do we have to go to the hospital?" "No, I'm fine again but my knees hurt a bit" you reply and he hums "Yeah, they were bleeding pretty heavily but we wrapped them up, you should be fine" "Thanks" you smile a little "I still don't know why I passed out tho"

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖔𝖙𝖎𝖈 𝕰𝖛𝖎𝖑 ||| Tokyo Revengers x [Y/n] HaitaniWhere stories live. Discover now