𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟓

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You run down the streets, looking for Takemichi or Hina or just anyone who could update you on the situation. Out of breath and with burning lungs, you come to a stop. Your head is spinning because of your worried thoughts about Hina and Emma, and of course Draken, even though you don't know him well but the other two seemed to like him.

Immediately taking out your phone when you can hear it ringing, seeing Hina's caller ID "Hina?" ("[Y/n]! Draken and Takemichi are on the way to the hospital!! Are you safe?!") she sounds worried and you can imagine her with teary eyes.

"Yes but what about you? Where's Emma?" You question and she hums ("Yes, we're on our way to the hospital too") "Okay, good" You still stand there in the rain, completely drenched at this point.

("[Y/n], you should go home. It's already super late and it's not safe outside, okay?") she urges and you nod "Can you call me when you know if Draken is fine? I know that I don't know him but...you know? Emma likes him a lot, I want to make sure that she's okay too" ("Of course. I'll inform you when I know more but go home now, promise me that!") "I will, you don't have to worry about me"

You two hang up and you let out a heavy sigh. Throwing your head back and letting the rain fall on your face, smearing your eyeliner and mascara. You don't care because you are already drenched, so fuck it. Your thoughts are cut short by the ringing of your phone again. But this time, you hesitated a little bit taking the call.

"Hel-" ("[Y/n], come home!! Now!!") Rindou immediately interrupts you by furiously snapping at you, "I-" ("You went to the festival, didn't you?! We told you 'no', so you'll come home now!!") he barks, cutting you off once more. You are about to say something but suddenly Ran was on the phone, ("I give you 5 minutes or I'll let people hunt you down!!"), though now you were getting angry for not even being able to say even one proper sentence.

"And what if I don't, huh?! Fuck your men!! I can do whatever I want!!" You yell into your phone, ("[Y/n], you-") "No!! You and Rin can fuck off!!" You cut him off this time but he was quick to response ("You have 5 minutes before I'll come and drag you back home!!") "No!!" You snap and quickly hang up before he could say something.

You let out an annoyed groan and stomp over to a bus stop shelter, dropping down on the bench and huff out another groan. Everything was pissing you off right now. Your brothers, the rain, the way your wet hair and wet clothes are sticking to your body and face, the way your smeared eyeliner feels on your face. You only hope that Hina and Emma are at the hospital now, where it's safe and warm.

You wanted nothing more than to get out of your drenched and cold clothes, and then take a warm shower and change into comfy clothes to hop under the blankets in your bed.

With crossed arms and legs you sit at the dark bus stop and try to calm down your nerves, enjoying the silence and just listening to the sound of the rain. So you close your eyes but the peace is short lived when someone suddenly says your full name, making your heart drop and eyes snap open, thinking that one of your brothers men already found you to bring you home.

But you are faced with Hanma, the tall boy with the tattoos on his hands, "[Y/n] Haitani~♡"

With wide eyes and slightly agape mouth, you stare at him as he stands in front of you, lazily holding the cigarette between his fingers. His clothes are drenched as well and his hair is sticking to his forehead, on top of that is his face slightly bruised and his knuckles are bleeding a little bit.

"How do you know who I am? Fuck do you want?!" You get up from the bench, glaring at him with menacing eyes "You are the little sister of the Haitani brothers and a lot of people know you for what you did in 2003. Do you really think people don't know who you are, especially when you look like that?" He chuckles lightly, making you cringe.

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖔𝖙𝖎𝖈 𝕰𝖛𝖎𝖑 ||| Tokyo Revengers x [Y/n] HaitaniWhere stories live. Discover now