Six-Lillian ❤️‍🩹

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I changed into my lavender pajamas, the ones with the shorts and button-down shirt. My hair and teeth had been brushed, my dirty scrubs neatly folded into my bag.

        Logan was asleep, I could hear his soft snoring. That was good, that he could sleep through the pain. He insisted it wasn't bad, but he definitely couldn't be comfortable.

I liked him. I liked his sister, too. I could tell even through their bickering, they cared. Eve was worried about him, despite her general annoyance towards him. I was curious to meet the older brother, Nick.

So far Logan was nicer than any hockey player I'd met-which was more than I could count on all my fingers and toes. Growing up, my dad had been sure to provide more than just a place on the team. He'd invited them for thanksgiving, for holidays, out for golf, for lunch, and at times, players would even stay at our house for a week or two at a time. As a kid, it'd been okay. Mom just told us to be polite and try to stay out of the way. As a teenager, it'd been a little worse. Almost every guy who went through my house was a slob, a flirt, or worse, just a brat. I never complained, since they were there for such a short period of time. But I did learn that hockey players were to be avoided at all costs.

Well, now I was living in a hockey player's house. That was a slight problem, but so far, Logan was sweet. At least he's not a jerk.

        The phone rang on my nightstand. I answered it, surprised to see it was Jade. Normally she wasn't up so late; she worked the early shift at the local coffee shop. She wasn't a morning person, so she'd learned to sacrifice her nights in order to actually rest.

        "Well?" she asked.

        "So far, so good. He's very nice. Not to mention a decent patient. I think I can get him walking by February," I said, putting some of my clothes in the closet. I would have to bring the rest of my things over tomorrow.

        "Yeah, yeah, that, but like, is he as hot as he is on TV?" she asked impatiently.

        My cheeks flared with heat. "I don't know. I haven't watched him on TV. Not recently."

        "My lanta, Lil, is he sexy?" she cried.

        "He's my patient!"

        "Please. That doesn't mean you can flick a remote and suddenly he's average," Jade scoffed.

        I wished there was such a remote to avoid this conversation. "I'm not saying anything."

"You're no fun. So does he know your dad?"

I rubbed my forehead. "I didn't mention my dad. Plus West is a common enough last name that he wouldn't automatically guess that we're related." Why was Jade so intent about asking the most uncomfortable questions?

          "Are you going to tell him about your dad?"

          "No! Besides, he seemed pretty relieved I wasn't some crazed fangirl. Or puck bunny. I don't need to tell him about my dad in case he gets all weird and fangirly," I sighed.

         "Any hot older brothers for me to snag?" Jade asked. Because she was too classy to simply snatch the client right out from under my nose.

         "One, but he's married," I said casually.

         "They're always married. Oh well. I haven't lost hope yet," my best friend sighed over-dramatically.

          "Didn't you just go through a breakup like, last night?" I asked.

         "Yeah. That still kind of sucks," she said gloomily. "But I'm working on getting over it. Him, I'm over. Now the whole relationship..."

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