Twenty Eight-Lillian❤️‍🩹

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        "Are you okay?" I asked Eve in a low voice as we washed the bigger pots and pans that wouldn't fit in the dishwasher. "You look almost sick."

       "Sorry. Just tense," she murmured. "I'm having a good time, I promise. It's really nice to get to hang out with both Logan and Nick at the same time. And I get to see Lina and the girls."

       I wasn't convinced. "So why do you look like you want to vomit?"

       "I do want to vomit a little," she admitted with a pained laugh. "But it's fine."

       "I'm sure Lina and Nick keep some ginger tea or something," I told her, already planning on asking them even if Eve insisted she was okay.

        Sure enough, she shook her head. "It's really okay. Just...Logan mentioned talking to Graham. I haven't heard from him in like, three weeks and I was just wondering if he was okay."

        My eyebrows shot up. "Is that normal? To not hear from him?"

        "No. I mean, no, but like...I understand why we haven't been talking," she stammered, clearly trying to put together sentences that didn't make her sound like a crazy person.

        "Why haven't you been talking?" I said with a frown.

        Eve hesitated, her blue eyes flashing in the dim light of the kitchen. "You can't tell Logan," she said, her voice even more quiet now. "Like, can't as in this could wreck his season."

       "Okay." And I wouldn't. Logan and I were close, in fact, much closer than we should have been, but I understood how serious this was. Eve wouldn't tell me to keep it a secret unless it was important.

         She placed a ladle on the drying rack before saying softly, "We kissed on New Year's Eve. Well, New Year's day, but it was still night."

        "No, I was there. You guys were on opposite sides the room," I recalled, remembering my disappointment.

        Eve looked almost miserable. "After everyone left, I stayed to help him clean up," she whispered. " just happened. Then it was really awkward, and I went home even though he offered to drive me, and we haven't spoken in weeks now."

        "Is he mad at you?" I asked gently, although Graham didn't seem the type to get mad easily. Unless, of course, it was hockey-then he would gladly throw someone into the boards and swing a few punches.

         "I don't think so?" she said uncertainly. "I can't tell. I'm too scared to text him or anything."

         "I'm sorry, Eve," I said sympathetically. "I'm sure it will work itself out. Graham is a really sweet guy; I can't imagine him trying to hurt you."

        She gave me a thin smile. "Thanks."

        Rachel skidded into the kitchen, a shimmering pink feather boa tossed around her shoulders. "The show is starting in five minutes!" she announced, running off to alert the other adults.

        Eve shut off the water, drying her hands. "Maybe the concert will distract me."

        As it turned out, the concert was fantastic. Rachel and Maisy, dressed to the nines in feather boas, sequined skirts, and ties that looked suspiciously like Nick's, sang every Taylor Swift song they knew, then every song they could remember from listening to the radio, then their favorite songs from Disney movies. Nick, Lina, Logan, Eve and I applauded at the end of every one, delighted by the impeccable entertainment. The dancing was just as enjoyable as the singing, and Maisy even did a cartwheel. 

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