Thirty Six-Lillian ❤️‍🩹

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        "I don't know what time I'll be back," I said, slipping my jacket on. 

        "That's fine. I have Graham's notes to go over," Logan said cheerfully, sitting with his laptop open. Graham was still sending him weekly team updates, which I found to be both very sweet and very dedicated of him. The updates included everything from what had been done in practice to comments from Coach Jay about games-win or lose. 

       "You still don't know why she invited you out for lunch?" Logan asked from the couch.

       I shrugged. "Maybe she wants to get to know me better? I did help babysit for her kids."

        "Help? We both know you did most of the work last weekend," he snorted, his face illuminated by the blue glow of the screen.

        "Anyways, I'll be back in a bit. Text me if you want anything on the way home," I said, grabbing my purse and waving.

        Logan blew me an air-kiss. "Have fun!"

        To be flustered by an air-kiss was a new personal low for me. But it was all I could think about on the way to the restaurant that Lina had chosen, a brewery not far from Logan's house. It was distracting, to say the least. Close to becoming an obsession, to say the most. 

        Parking the car, I went inside. I quickly found Lina sitting near the window at a tall table, looking at the menu. She waved as soon as she saw me, getting up to hug me when I closer. 

        "Did you order anything yet?" I asked, taking off my coat and sitting down.

        "Just soda," she said, picking up her menu again. "Usually when we come here, I get the veggie burger. But I'm thinking about trying something new."

        "So you and Nick come here a lot then?"

        "We used to," she said with a half-smile. "Not a whole lot of date nights that are as fancy as going out. Most of the time we just watch movies together."

        The waiter came over and took our orders. Lina tried the southwest salad, and I got a veggie burger, deciding to take her advice. I also ordered an iced tea, not wanting to have anything alcoholic in case I had to rush home for Logan. While he'd been doing much better over the past few days, the infection was still there. The colors had at least become a lot duller.

        "How is he?" Lina asked.

        "Good. I think he feels like he's back to normal, although he's definitely been feeling more tired," I said. We hadn't even tried swimming again since his stay in the hospital.

        "If you guys need anything, let us know," she said seriously. "Even if it's just a run to the store or something."

         "Thank you, that's sweet," I said, taking a sip of tea. "How have the girls been?

         "Begging to go back to Logan's house," she groaned, laughing. "I feel like it's at least twice a day they ask for another sleepover."

        "He's really excited to have them back once he's feeling better," I promised.

        Lina took a sip of her Coke before saying, "I actually wanted to talk to you about the last sleepover. Maisy said there were some loud storms and she got scared?"

        "Oh, yeah. I don't know if you guys got the rain out at the cabin, but here it poured," I said. "It was pretty loud. Rachel slept right through it, I think, but Maisy woke..."

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