Eighteen-Lillian ❤️‍🩹

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        Graham was the one to pick me up from the airport on Monday. Although I didn't really know him that well, he'd offered to drive me, saying that he had something to talk to Logan about. So I agreed, and now we were in his car, driving down the freeway.

        "How was your trip?" he asked, one hand on the wheel.

        "Really nice, thanks. How was your party?" I asked.

        He gave me a thin smile. "Good. Saw some old friends."

        "I don't suppose..."

        "Logan is doing just fine and did not blow himself up while you were gone," Graham assured me. "I just checked on him yesterday and he was perfectly intact."

        "Good," I mumbled, knowing he was somewhat joking but relieved to hear that Logan was fine. As much as I'd enjoyed seeing my parents, there had been a heavy guilt draped over me. Not just for leaving Logan to the wills of his siblings, but for feeling slightly relieved that I had gotten away for a few days. Don't get me wrong, I adored Logan. He was fun and silly and smart, all great characteristics to have. Not to mention he was an excellent housemate, especially considering he was confined to one room and I had to get him whatever he asked for. He was everything I could ask for in someone I lived with. But no matter how amazing he was, I needed time off sometimes. It felt good to go sleep in my own bed, shower in my own bathroom.

         "So what are you going to see Logan for?" I asked. "Already plotting out your championship?"

          "I wish," Graham grumbled. "He called me this morning, saying he had serious concerns with the team."

          Looking out the window, I said, "He probably just saw some stuff from the game on Saturday night."

          He didn't answer, pulling into Logan's driveway. Eve's car wasn't there, but that was fine. Logan was perfectly fine to be alone for a few hours.

        Graham got out first, walking to the front door and knocking. I shuffled through the snow, using his large footprints to make my movements easier.

         "I have a key," I told him with a grin, pulling it out of my pocket.

         He looked sheepish. "Well now I just feel stupid."

         To both of our surprises, the door opened before I could get the key in the lock. Logan stood in the house, propped up on his crutches. He smiled upon seeing me, saying, "Hey, doc. I can answer doors on my own now."

        Against my better judgement, I hugged him. Hard. He wavered briefly, only then leaning into me for support. I'd missed him more than I'd realized, because now all I could think about was spending the entire day with him, talking about my trip and asking about his week.

        Behind me, I could feel Graham smiling. I didn't mind, until he said, "It's kind of cold out here, standing on the porch."

        Logan and I both stammered our apologies as Graham and I fully stepped inside, shutting the door behind us. I slid off my winter boots and hung my coat on the hooks, looking around the house. It looked mostly the same, although the living room seemed more neat and put together. Logan's bed was made and the kitchen was spotless, both of which I figured had to be Eve's doing

        "You had a good time?" Logan asked, his eyes sparkling with a smile.

        "The best. Thank you, so much, for the tickets," I said, certain my face was flushed.

        "You're welcome. And thank you, for the dragon," he said, his smile growing as he gestured to the small creature resting against the pillows of his bed. "I love him. I named him Maximus."

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