Twenty Nine-Logan🏒

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"You didn't tell me we had glass seats," Eve said anxiously, a beer in one hand and a bucket of popcorn in the other.

"What's wrong with glass seats? Best seats in the house," I said, offended.

"I just feel so exposed," she murmured. "The cameras will be on you, right?"

I shrugged. "Maybe for a minute."

"Oh, gosh," she sighed, looking around like the cameras were waiting to jump her.

Reaching up, I took off my hat and quickly combed my hair back into place. "Here. That way they can't see your face so easily. Also, sit on Lillian's left. If you're okay with that," I added quickly.

Lillian nodded, guiding me in front of my sister. "I'm fine with it. If I end up on camera, so be it."

We sat down, which meant that Lillian could finally release my hand. She'd helped me walk all the way from the locker room, acting as a human crutch. Unfortunately, that meant she'd been holding my hand for the better portion of the last ten minutes. Holding hands was on my list of top ten things to do if you're trying to fall in love. I wasn't trying, but it sure felt like it was happening.

"You okay? Not too tired?" Lillian asked, sitting in the plastic seat next to me.

"A little winded," I confessed. "But I'm okay."

"Have some water," she replied, passing me a bottle. It wasn't until I drank half of it in a matter of seconds before I realized how exhausted I was.

Eve was still looking around like she was going to get kidnapped. "So how soon does the game start?"

"Not for at least twenty minutes. We still have on-ice warmups to do," I told her.

Her face went milky pale. "I think I'm going to go the bathroom," she said, as if it weren't painfully obvious that she would stay in the bathroom until puck-drop.

Lillian waved as Eve ran up the steps. "Have fun!"

A snort escaped my mouth. "Have fun?" I laughed.

"It's funny, and the poor girl looks like she's going to pass away," Lillian sighed.

"True," I admitted. "I feel bad for her. She's always hated being on camera. Well, the TV camera. She's fine for like, family pictures and stuff."

Lillian took a sip of her own water before saying, "I'm guessing the cameras aren't the only thing on her mind tonight."

Her statement came right as Graham skated up to us, stopping abruptly to spray snow in our direction. The glass between us didn't mean much to me. Leaning forward, I banged my open palm against the glass, shouting, "Some captain you are!"

He grinned, blowing me a kiss. "Miss you, Logan!"

I gave him the dirtiest look I could muster as he skated away, twirling his stick in his hands. When I leaned back in my seat, Lillian was covering her mouth with one hand, doubled over with laughter.

"I'll get him," I vowed. "I'll hide his jersey. I'll impossibly knot his skates together. I'll dye his white jeans pink."

Peals of laughter were bursting from Lillian. Wiping her eyes, she got out, "I forgot how enjoyable it is to watch you guys use your collective braincell."

I grunted. "Graham's a-"

"Are they almost starting?" Eve asked, making me shut my mouth. I might've teased her and tormented her at every possible opportunity, but I wasn't one to use dirty language in front of my little sister. Unless, of course, I was in the middle of a hockey game. Then it was a free-for-all.

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