Eleven-Logan 🏒

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I woke up to two people frantically whispering over me. Cracking open one eye, I determined that it was Graham and Eve, who I hadn't expected this early in the morning. The clock on the wall said that it wasn't even eight yet.

"Shh-he's awake," Eve said eagerly. I'd been caught watching them argue.

"Hey, man, how you doing?" Graham asked, clearly excited to see his best buddy alive and not in surgical terror.

"Fine," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. "Where's Lilli?"

Eve frowned, then realized who I meant. "Oh, Lillian? She texted me saying she's cleaning your house up a bit before coming over."

Of course she had. I felt bad; it was her only day off and instead of sleeping in, she'd gone to my place to clean. Secretly, I was a little worried about her. This was the easy half of taking care of me. It would be much harder when I'd start doing physical therapy and beginning to walk around. If Lillian kept up her devoted work ethic, she'd burn herself out.

"Did you guys come here together?" I yawned, stretching then immediately regretting it. My muscles weren't up to such a workout, especially with the shooting pain down my side.

Eve blushed. "No, um, just a coincidence. Just came to check on you."

"The guys made you a card," Graham added, handing it to me.

I grinned, admiring the sparkly cover with crayon flowers. "Compliments of Adam's girls?"

"Yep. I can't take credit for that masterpiece," he said ruefully. I laughed and read through the many, many notes inside. More than just the team had signed it- all of the coaches, trainers, and a lot of the staff had signed their names as well.

"You all doing okay? I mean, hanging out and stuff? I know you've been winning lately," I said, propping the card up on the nightstand.

"Yeah, still kind of riding the high from the road trip." At the end of October, there'd been a stretch of seven away games, all in the east, where we'd beat every team we'd played. It had been a huge morale booster.

Eve cleared her throat. "I made cookies? Although I don't know if you're allowed to eat them," she said apologetically.

"I can eat," I promised, eagerly reaching for the tin she handed me. My sister, the pain in the butt, made amazing peanut butter cookies. "Thanks!"

"No problem. Share some with Lillian, okay?" she said sternly.

"Mm-hmm," I said through a mouthful of cookie. "You guys want one?"

Eve passed, but Graham tried one. "Man, those are great, Eve," he told her, immediately grabbing another one and practically swallowing it whole.

She looked ready to die. "Thanks," she squeaked, her cheeks on fire.

"Do you have a cool scar?" Graham asked me curiously.

I snorted. "It was just yesterday; it's still a sticky mess of stitches and flesh."

"Ugh. Gross," Eve gagged.

"Why, do you want to see?" I asked, being just a little mean.

"No! Ugh, you're so immature. I don't know how Lillian puts up with you all day long. I would go totally insane."

"For all we know, she has gone insane," Graham laughed.

I took a sip of water. "Next game is Thursday, right?"

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