part four- the weekend pt 1

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Henry's POV:
I'm home alone. It's pretty boring. My sister is at a sleepover and our parents are on a weekend anniversary trip.
I heard a small knock on the door. I didn't invite anyone over but we get unexpected visits sometimes because of my parents big business.

I opened the door and saw Bella. My sister's best friend. She had a bag so I guess she thought she was having a sleepover with my sister tonight.
Henry- Hey Bella.
Bella- H..hi.
Henry- Helena's not home she's sleeping over at her friend's house.
Bella- Oh.
Henry- Do you need something?
Bella- Um yeah k..kin..kinda.
She was just standing there outside with her feet planted in the darkness. I chuckled at her discomfort.
Henry- Come inside dork.
She walked in but didn't change her posture or expression. She looked timid and a little scared. Standing up straight. Almost like an employee next to their boss.
Henry- So since my sister's not here I'll drive you home.
Bella- I can't really go home.
She said it so softly I almost couldn't hear.
Henry- What do you mean weirdo. Are you mad at your mommy and daddy for not buying you a new iPhone or something?
I saw tears start to form in her eyes.
Henry- Hey I'm just teasing, you don't gotta cry.
It get's annoying how sensitive she can be.
Bella- No it's not that. My parents..
Henry- Your parents what?
Bella- They kicked me out. Not forever they just told me I can't go back until Monday or..
Henry- Or what?
Bella- Or they'll h..hurt me m..m..more.
She was crying harder now. I had no idea about her parents. I mean Helena had mentioned they're not the best people but I didn't know they hit her! I was mad, and sad for Bella. I wanted to say the perfect thing.
Henry- Oh.
Oh?? All I could get out was oh? Ugh I'm the worst! I need to be there for her. She was looking up at me with those glass eyes. I reached my hand out and she gently wrapped her hand around my pointer finger. I lead her to the couch so we could continue this conversation sitting. I took her bag and put it at the bottom of the steps so she could grab it on her way up.
Henry- You can stay here all weekend. It's just me tonight, but Helena will be back in the morning. My parents are gone till Tuesday but I'll let them know.
Bella- Thanks.
She could barely get the word out.
Henry- Do you wanna talk about it? Like what happened with your parents?
Bella- Not r..really.
Henry- That's okay. We can talk about something else.
But I knew she didn't want to talk right now. So I let her head rest in my lap and played with her hair in silence until she stopped crying. She felt very cold.
Henry- How long were you walking?
Bella- A couple hours. I left home at six.
I grabbed her a blanket and went to get her some food.
Bella- Where are you going?
Henry- I'm just getting you something to eat I'll be right back.
Bella- I'm not hungry Henry.
Henry- I don't care you're gonna have something.
I made her a bowl of chicken noodle soup and grabbed a juice box. We're not technically allowed to eat on the couch but this is a good reason to break the rules. No one will find out.
Bella- Thank you.
Henry- You're welcome. But I'm only being nice to you tonight. Then we're going back to our old dynamic.
She giggled softly at that. She tried to take the bowl soup from me but I held it firm. Instead, I put the spoon up to her mouth for her. She gave me a confused look but let me feed her anyway.
Bella- I'm not a child you know? I can do it myself.
Henry- Shhh I know. You're a big girl. Just let me help you.
She let me feed her the whole thing.
Henry- Wanna watch a movie?
Bella- Isn't it kind of late?
I laughed at that.
Henry- It's only 9:30.
Bella- Yeah that's usually when I have to.. never mind.
Her voice trailed off at the end but I knew exactly what she was saying.
Henry- Oh my god do you still have a bedtime?
Bella- I g..guess so.
She was looking down and playing with her hands.
Henry- Aww that's soo cute. Tomorrow night you'll be going to sleep at bedtime but tonight we can watch a movie.
Bella- Okay!! You pick!
She covered her face. I could tell She was embarrassed about the excitement in her voice. I'm kind of obsessed with horror movies so I put on one of my favorite ones. Saw II. The first saw is good but Saw II has way more excitement.
Henry- Think you can handle a horror movie Bells?
Bella- Of course I can.  Now stop talking to me like I'm four.
But I saw her lip quiver a little. She was okay for the beginning but when the first bad jumpscare came she yelped and jumped into my arms.
Bella- Oh uhm I'm sorry haha.
Henry- 'Of course I can handle a horror movie'
I said mocking her.
Bella- Shut up!
She lightly punched me in the arm. Around halfway through the movie she started yawning.
Henry- Is it time to go to bed?
Bella- Nooo I'm not twired!
There was a little lisp in her voice. She sounded like a toddler but I pretended not to notice.

Ten minutes later she was sound asleep. It started storming outside. Lovely. I never minded storms. I'm just grateful she came here before the storm started. When the movie ended I thought about waking her up but she just looked so peaceful. She's quite small. I'll have no problem carrying her up the stairs. I wrapped her legs around my torso and her arms around my neck. I grabbed her bag with one arm and supported her back with the other. I took her to Helena's room and gently placed her on the bed. I put some blankets under her. I found a light gray bunny with a pink bow hanging out from the top of her bag. I placed it between her arms and she snuggled it tight. She looked... cute? She's a pretty girl, soft blonde hair, big blue eyes, pink lips, rosy cheeks, freckles. Not my usual type though. Too innocent looking. Plus I would never be interested in her.

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