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Bibi POV
"I can't believe she was a secret agent..." I murmured in shock as I ran through my mom's records.

"Let's take these back to your house. We'll examine them there," Sandy tried to distract me from the painful truth.

The bus ride back was painfully silent. But I broke the silence after an hour. "I can't believe she wouldn't tell me..." I cried, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Bibi, don't cry. I'm sure she didn't mean to do that," Sandy comforted me, his hand wiping the tears away from my cheeks. "You were just too young to even know."

But his hand swiping across my cheek sent sparks flying. And then I realised.

Sandy was the one.

He had stayed with me, just to help me. He comforted me when I was down.

I had promised myself never to fall in love, after that nearly ruined my friendship with Fang.

But Sandy was the kind of person I wanted to risk it with.


We had just got back to my house when Sandy asked, "Is there something wrong, Bibi?"

Shoot. He noticed my feelings already? I screamed in my mind as I responded as casually as I could, "Um...just a bit down about my mother being a secret agent and me living a lie."

"Well...I promise that we'll avenge your mother!" Sandy tried to cheer me up. "Come on, let's read through her notes!" he grabbed my hand, pulling me into the house.

An explosion set off in my brain, but I told it to stop. I can't tell Sandy about this yet—it's going to freak him out, I thought.

Sandy had laid all the items we had found on my desk, asking me, "Where should we get started?"

"Well...I think we should continue reading through my mother's file. There could be more important things that we didn't see yet," I suggested.

And it was a good thing we did. Because after five minutes, Sandy whispered, "Spouse Bull Retroma, relocated as Bull Junker."

I recognised the name immediately. Shock flared in my eyes as I murmured, "It can't be."

"It is. Jessie's father."


We had rushed to take the next train to Brawltopia. At exactly midnight, we arrived in the heart of the city. It was a long walk to Jessie's house, but we rushed there as quickly as we could.

Knocking on the door quickly, I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited for someone to answer.

Finally, Jessie opened the door. "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" she asked in confusion. Leon popped out from behind her. "Bibi? Sandy?" he questioned in the same tone.

Sandy immediately showed her the file. Glancing at it, Jessie's eyes turned larger with every word. Eventually, she said, "Come in. We have some important things to discuss."

"Mom! Dad!" she yelled. In a flash, her parents were down in the living room. Then, I saw him.

My father, Bull.

"Dad," I mumbled.


"What?" Bull responded groggily. "No, Jessie's my daughter. Who are you?"

"What?" I asked with shock, confusion and hurt in my voice. "You don't recognise me?"

At the corner, Sandy was mumbling something on his phone. All I could hear was, "Get here, quick!"

"How can you not recognise me?" I asked, unable to keep the hurt from flaring in my voice. "I'm your long-lost daughter, Bibi! You left me when I was five to do military service? You were married to your deceased wife, Selené Retroma?"

Pam was shocked. "Bull, why didn't you tell me that?" she chastised.

"I can't remember any of what she said!" Bull answered in confusion. From the look on his face, one could tell he wasn't lying.

Just then, a turquoise portal appeared in the centre of the living room. Everyone except Sandy flinched, stumbling backwards. Then, a teenage boy in all black stepped into the room.

"Who are you?" I demanded, raising my bat.

"Calm down, please!" the boy stumbled back towards Sandy. "Sandy invited me. I'm Luca, and I'm a Telepath."

"A Telepath? But why are you here?" I prompted, pondering what Sandy was trying at.

"Sorry, but for your safety I cannot reveal anything yet. Sorry, sir, may I touch your forehead? I need to explore your mind," Luca responded, turning to Bull.

"You can trust him," Jessie convinced her father. "Sandy and I met him in high school."

Half-heartedly, Bull stepped forwards and let Luca's fingers rest on his forehead. After a minute or two, Luca frowned and his turquoise eyes turned frosty and dark. He whispered something to Sandy, who instantly stood up.

"Just as I suspected," he mumbled. I did not like the way he sounded.

"Just like what?" I asked, fearing the worst.

But nothing could prepare me for what was coming next.

"Bull's memories of the past have been completely erased."

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