Hard Truths

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Bibi POV
"What?" everyone asked in unison.

"How could it be?" I added on.

"Well, it seems like when your mother died, your father had found out something important. The police discovered it when Bibi was five and brought Bull here for further investigation into his memories. Once the Brawltopian Police was done, they had to relocate him yet again and wiped his memories so that he wouldn't be haunted by the trauma," Luca told us.

"That means that whatever it is in Bull's memory can help to find Selené?" Jessie asked.

"Yes," Luca's answer was short and frank.

"Then do whatever you have to do," Bull decided. "Because if my wife is still out there, I need to find her."


"You do realise this means that we're half sisters, right?" Jessie asked me.

"Oh yeah. I guess I didn't realise it until now," I agreed. "That'll be interesting. Anyways, I need to talk to Sandy."

"Sandy? Can we have a word outside?" I whispered to him.

"Um...okay, Bibi..." Sandy looked confused as he followed out the door.

"Look, Sandy, I'm very thankful for your help. Even though we weren't close friends at the start, it shows me how kind you are when you just volunteered to help me out of nowhere. I just need to tell you how grateful I am..." I mumbled.

Then I pulled him in for a hug. Sparks flew in my brain, but I extinguished them with a douse of cold water, Sandy is my friend. And if he and I are ever ready for more, I'll keep this to myself.

But I didn't know that I wasn't the only one who was imagining these sparks.

One minute earlier...
Sandy POV
"Look, Sandy, I'm very thankful for your help. Even though we weren't close friends at the start, it shows me how kind you are when you just volunteered to help me out of nowhere. I just need to tell you how grateful I am..." Bibi mumbled.

Then, she pulled me in for a hug. Without warning, sparks flew in my brain. I didn't know if it was the way her eyes shone in the opal moonlight, or the way her hair glimmered as it shook in the breeze. But I found myself falling for Bibi, a new friend who I had just realised...was more important to me than I thought.

"Come on, Sandy, let's go back in," Bibi's voice broke me from my dreams.

"Huh? Oh yeah, of course!" I stammered as I glanced into Bibi's shining eyes.

We had just returned in time to see Luca wrenching his eyes shut as he connected his fingers to Bull's temples. After a minute or two, he groaned and let his hold slip. Luca grabbed a notebook and projected what he had seen onto it.

There were only two memories—both equally short. The first was Bull viewing footage from a monitor. Selené was wearing dark clothes, full of the equipment Bibi and Sandy had found at her old house. She seemed to be following someone—or something. But she stopped to hide behind a parapet. And that could have cost the woman her life.

A black figure rose from the bushes, holding up a long, silver pipe that glinted in the moonlight. Raising it high above his head, he brought it down on Selené skull, his hand jarring with the impact. The man quickly dodged behind the bushes and took Selené with him.

The second was Bull and two officers in Selené's room, where Bibi and Sandy had been just the day before. An officer typed in the code, "SELPID" and the door swished open, revealing that huge stash of notebooks that Bibi and Sandy had brought to Jessie's house. As Bull picked up the one on the very top, he read a long file of actions made by the criminal, which was cut short. Sandy assumed it was because she had died, and this was the criminal who had killed her.

"Wait!" Pam noticed. "The notebook had a gilded gold cover! If you find it, you'll know who the criminal was! Why didn't the police realise that?"

Bull, who was clutching his head from the sudden memory return, mumbled, "No, all of the notebooks end like that. Selené told me once that she couldn't record what happened to them in case an accomplice got their hands on the notebooks and knew how to bust them out."

"I have a different idea," Leon piped up, "Just find the last case she was working on before she disappeared."

"You're right!" Bibi murmured. "Everyone, help me flip through these books!"

But Bibi didn't look too excited, and I knew why. She was going to find out the name of her mother's kidnapped, and that wasn't something what a person wanted to hear.

"Bibi," I grabbed her hand and comforted her, "I promise, all of us will help to get your mother back."

"But what if she's dead?" Bibi sobbed, "She disappeared 22 years ago."

"Even if she is, at least we can give her a nice funeral," I answered, trying to keep positive.

Bibi hugged me tightly, sending sparks flying in my brain. But I told them to stop. Because this was one friendship that I didn't want to lose.

"Guys, I think I've found it," Jessie's ghostly voice whispered across the room. "Four days before her disappearance."

"Bibi, you should be the one to open it," Leon suggested, passing the notebook to her.

Bibi held the notebook tenderly, as if she was afraid it would vanish if she touched it too roughly. She set it down on the table and opened it slowly. But the name inside shocked everyone.

"Christopher Cavers," Bibi read in disbelief.

"As in Brawlywood's owner," I finished.

Bibi x Sandy : Nobody Can SeeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ