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'"Running through a big field of dandelions, the little girls arms widen as every dandelions she passes touches through her petite body, her smile cheering the flowers more than ever. She halt in her steps when she hear someone shout from behind buts it's just melody to her ear. "Don't run...you will fall down...!" She giggle at the sight of the boy running behind him before she started running again. "Catch me if you can....!" She shout with her small giggly voice. The boy smiling while shouting for her to stop running from him. Her vision blurred through her eyes and the voice distanced to small whispers when she suddenly entered through something that lead her into darkness that was suffocating her. The boy's voice just a whisper as she cry out for him to get her. "Get me out pleaseee...get me out please....."'

She woke up instantly with a shout while she sense that her face is wet. She look up to see a pair of brown orbs looking widely into hers with his hands on her shoulder. She breath in and out hastily remembering the suffocation she felt during the dream.

It felt so surreal to her. As if the boy was actually calling out to her. She wanted to go back and clasp his hand and become that small girl in that happy world. This is the second time she saw the strange boy and girl.

She didn't knew she was staring into Taehyung's eyes for this whole time while thinking. She look away from him and tried to back away but his hand on her shoulders didn't let her to do so.

"What did you see?" He ask, his voice deep and authoritative. She look up not really wanting to tell. She shake her head. He cock an eyebrow at her. "You're denying?" He dare. She shake her head with a small whisper. "Nothing!"

He bite his inner cheeks and nod taking his hands off her shoulder dismissively. All the curiosity and softness rushing out of him. He took the bowl and shove it her way. It was a loaf of bread and a piece of cheese.

She hadn't eaten since forever. She look up with big eyes as her mouth make out the words hardly. "Why are you doing this to me?" She ask hoping the friendly Taehyung she met at first would pop out of nowhere.

He roll his eyes and said sternly in a low voice still standing upon her head. "Shut up or I'll take that away too!" She tried again. "Why me though?" He reach for the bowl to take it away not giving her food but her hand clasp it midway and she take it back.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'll just eat it!" She look down because she didn't wanted to skip it. She needed something in her system to keep her alive for good or even for the bad. Atleast she'll have some strength to endure it.

Taehyung look at her take two to three bites and he walked out of the room shutting the door behind himself. Her eyes teared up as she look at the bread in he bowl.

She slowly lift the blanket to see herself in short boxers. It was plain black. She pull the short up her thigh to reveal the bandaged wound. She slowly roll out the bandage properly making sure to secure it back the way it was later.

She gasp when she saw perfect straight line stitching. Six stitches. The area around it was smudged with some blood. But overall it was clean. She slowly graze her fingers upon it feeling the small tingling of pain everytime her fingertip touched the skin.

She lay the wounded thigh out of the blanket for some air and lay back in the bed and stare at the ceiling trying to sleep back. It was clearly daytime by the sunlight coming inside from the steel secured window.

But does she have anything to do? Better sleep then killed. She can't pin point the reason he is keeping her here? Feeding her, making her feel like the lamb that is brought and taken care of and then all of a sudden one day slaughtered by its owner.

The Delusional Psycho | KthHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin